"So you admit it, Quackity? You were trying to kill him?" Sam questions.

"Yes, I fucking admit it!" Quackity shouts.

Then chaos breaks loose.

All of a sudden, Wilbur's there, pushing Sam to the side. Tommy and Tubbo run through the doorway, weapons in hand.

From the corner of my eye, I see Quackity run towards me, ax in hand. I look between Quackity and the others, not sure what to do.

"Go, Dream, I'll hold them off," Sapnap stands by my side, motioning towards Quackity.

"We'll hold them off," y/n suddenly joins us. I give them a quick nod of gratitude. I hear the weapons clash together as I leave Sapnap and y/n behind.

I take out my sword, ready to meet Quackity's ax.

"I may not have changed, Quackity, but you have..." I trail off, readying the sword in my hand. "What was it that happened?" I pause with a smug grin on my face. "Oh, right... they left you."

I see Quackity's expression falter for a second, caught off guard. I take my chance.

I slash my sword at him, he barely manages to block it. The impact making him stagger backward.

"Oh, come on, Quackity, you can do better than that," I hold my sword tight, grateful to have a weapon this time.

I feel an underlying fear in the pit of my stomach every time Quackity raises his ax.

I block almost every blow, every once in a while the blade grazes my skin, leaving trails of red. We continue this for what seems like hours, both of us getting weak hits here and there. I feel myself start to tire as Quackity rains down blows one after another.

Suddenly, Quackity manages to land a strike on my arm. I gasp in pain, feeling warm blood seep through the fabric. I clutch my wounded arm, my sword clattering to the ground.

I suddenly get an idea.

I crouch on the ground, wincing in pain. Quackity laughs softly as he approaches me. Once he gets close enough I grab my sword and plunge it into his leg.

He cries out, falling to one knee. I stand up, Quackity struggling to get on his feet. I kick his chest and he falls back with a groan.

"Not so powerful when I have the weapon, hm?" I ask, towering over him. With my good hand, I take the sword, ripping it out of his leg. I watch him writhe in pain, clutching his wound.

"Stand up," I taunt. Quackity tries to stand shakily, but his bad leg gives out underneath him.

I roughly pull him up from the collar of his shirt, he looks up at me, for once helpless. I notice his ax scattered across the ground.

"What weapon do you want me to use, Quackity?" I mock, a grin on my face.

Quackity spits at me, giving me a look of defiance.

I throw him to the ground, his head hitting the hard obsidian wall. I grab my sword and slash at his chest, not deep enough to kill him, but just enough to make it hurt. He looks up at me, dazed and in pain.

"Doesn't feel too good, does it, Quackity?" I raise my voice, a maniac grin still plastered across my face.

"Dream-" he starts.

"Don't you fucking start with me, Quackity. I'm going to kill you and I'm gonna make you feel every last second of it!" I shout, bringing down the blade again.

His eyes widen slightly and I see a hint of fear.

"Dream, listen..." he rasps out.

"Shut the hell up. You fucking manipulative bastard. You torture me, you take y/n, you manipulate people, and you're little mission to kill me got George killed! You know what Quackity, you talk about how evil I am when you're just as bad." I spit, placing the heel of my shoe across Quackity's chest, making sure he can't stand. "You have nobody."

"I take care of those who take care of me... why do you think I have no one around?" Quackity croaks out.

I take the sword, the tip of the blade at his throat.

"Get it over with, then," Quackity squeezes his eyes shut. I raise the sword.

This is it...

"Dream, stop!"

A/n: I miss bottom Dream but WHATEVER. POWER DREAM IS OK IG✋🏼🙄

Side note: I left Cali a couple days ago, just got home :( I MADE NEW FRIENDS AND GOT A HUSBAND THO😫✋🏼 I DIDN'T WANNA LEAVE YETTTT UGH😭😭


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