Alice:Hello Ms. Kris?

Kris:Ohh Hi Alice! I would like to know If Herbert has agenda today?

Alice:Wala naman po Ms. Kris,Why?

Kris:I would like to surprise him eh,I will visit him today there

Alice:Really? Don't worry I won't tell it to him

Kris:Pretty please Alice I have favor sana eh

Alice:Sure Ms. Kris

Kris:Okay,I will call you if I'm already near na hah,Pick me up in the lobby

Alice:No problem Ms. Kris

Kris:Okay that's all Alice,Sorry for bothering. Thank you,Bye!

Alice:It's okay Ms. Kris,Bye!

After the call I continue to put my own make-up, I curl my hair in beach wave,then wear my heels. I put my things in one tote bag. After I ready all the things I will bring,I go down at the living room,I found my two sons there playing PS4

Kris:Boys! Momma will leave na

Bimb:Okay Momma

Josh:bye bye Momma

Kris:Bye! Eat on time okay?

Josh and Bimb:Okay!

As soon I hear my sons reply,I go to the carport and get inside the car then leave. Herbert's office is in Makati, While we are still in the road, I am reading at my Ipad. I always do this when I'm alone at the ride,to entertain myself. I get my stock snacks here at the van,there is also drinks here at the mini refrigerator.  When we are in half way going to the Makati,my staff texted me that the architect already agrees in. When we are already near, I texted Alice,and just after a couple of minutes we've reached the company building,And I saw there Alice standing beside the guard

Alice:Goodmorning Ms. Kris  (beso)

Kris:Goodmorning Alice,your Boss?

Alice:Still busy up there Madam

Kris:So let's go?


Author's POV:

When they enter the company,all eyes were at Kris,she just smile and walk to the elevator with Alice----Alice took her a stolen photo. The office of Herbert is in the 15th floor,no one attempted to ride the elevator while Kris is still inside,like they gonna die if they will😂. When they reach the floor,Alice guided her to his office

Alice:Ms. Kris you can go inside na

Kris:Thank you for assisting me Alice

Alice:No worries Ms. Kris, anytime

Kris fixed herself before holding the door knob then open it

Kris:Surprise Babe! (She said cheerfully)

Herbert:Love? (Stand up) Oh god! I miss you (hug her)

Kris:I miss you too  (kiss) that's why I'm here

Herbert: damn I miss you so much love (kiss her shoulder)

Kris:Ano ba babe! Nakakakiliti (giggle and hug him tighter)

Herbert:You smell so good love (snuggling at her neck)

Kris:Ang harot mo babe! (Giggle)

Herbert:I miss you (face her and push for passionate kiss)

Their kiss describe how they miss each other

Kris:I love you  (smack)

Herbert:I love you too (hug her)

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