He in that 2 Decade

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Author's POV:

After the break up of him and Kris, He focus on his growing company and franchises, And only after few month he became the "Fastest Business Man Multi-Millionaire" of the Philippines but he avoid doing TV guesting,only interview to avoid meeting Kris, The people don't know about they're past relationship so he still have peaceful life.

He date girls but, no one is the one that he can stay forever that he only find to Kris. He also start to be fit and healthy, He do exercise regularly and healthy diet that give him "One of the Most Fit and Hot Bussiness Man in the Philippines" Award,That gave him big spotlight, He cover 25 Magazines, and He is also one of the biggest collector of Car and Alcohol Drinks in the Country.

Years have passed, He maintained all the award that he received and Infact a lot has been added. But still he not found the one the one he want to be with forever. He dated a lot of girls but it all ended in break up because of misunderstanding or they are just after his money.

When he aged at 46 he is awarded "The Fastest Billionaire Business Man in the Philippines" that made him more blessed amd he still avoid TV guesting instead he made his own presscon,also to secure his safety because sometimes he has death threat .

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