This what it feels like

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 Herbert POV:

I was freaking out when I received a call from Athena,she is only crying from the phone. I still don't know what is happening with her. I am now calling Kris,because she is free today. Harvey is not home for a while today. After just few rings she answered

Kris:Hello babe?

Herbert:Love what are you doing right now?

Kris:Just reading,why?

Herbert:Can you come at my house love? A while ago I just received a phone call from Athena,she is just crying.Harvey is not home pa

Kris:Okay okay babe,calm down. I will just change then I will go na

Herbert:Thank you love. Update me if nandun ka na

Kris: Okay. I'll end the call na. I love you

Herbert:I love you too


Kris POV:

I'm now on my way going to Herbert's house. I'm getting nervous on what's happening with Athena. After couple of minutes,I reach his house,one of his staff welcome and accompany me. I go directly to Athena's room,thank god the room is not locked. I knock thrice before opening the door. She is under the comforter sheet,I can hear her sobbing. I sit in the free space of the bed,I gently put my hand in top of the sheet

Kris: Athena (She said softly while patting the comforter) Athena

Suddenly Athena's sobs stop,And slowly uncovered her self. Once that Athena's face are showed she quickly sut up and hug Kris, which Kris returned it while caressing her back. Athena began to cry again in her shoulder

Kris:What happened? 

Athena:....(She only cry)

Kris: Sige,I will let you cry first. Then later tell me what happened (She feel Athena nod)

After few minutes...

Athena wiped her tears and face Kris,she holds one of Athena's hand and slightly squeeze it

Athena:Uhmm (bitting her lip nervously)

Kris:I wil listen (Look her more intently at her eyes)

Athena:Last saturday...Jake and I have a misunderstanding....Till this morning (She wiped the tear falling down from her eyes) ..I received a message from him that he want us to break apart (Her tears fall continuesly) ...I tried to call him but it's already out of coverage (She now cry wildly,Kris is now the one who hug her)

Kris:Shhhh....(She is shushing Athena to slightly calm down) It's okay to cry Athena,but is he worth to be cry for? Athena as like your father said,you are a smart woman so know your worth but I understand that you spend your 3 years with him,and it's not easy to moved on kasi you and him had already memories that will never be removed in our minds whatever ways you will do,or whatever ways he will do to forget you. Because before you enter a relationship,don't imagine the days that both of you will be together,but Imagine the day the both of you will end,Imagine if you can't live without him,and if you does do not enter it easily.nBut I'm not saying this for you to obey,but to open your mind,because when your Dad and I broke up. I just realized I hurt him a lot even though that time I thought I am the one who are right because I'm just doing my work,but your Dad's boiling point was when I agree in project that has a love scene without even asking him. He is right but because of my pride,It ended our chapter but past is past,look at us now,we are more careful in our every move because we already learn. See this as a lesson. That when you falll inlove again,you will be careful (still caressing her back) 

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