[4] His forehead of doom.

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Ant's POV


I hear the echoing of David yelling my name from two corridors away. "ANT, COME HERE NOW! ITS AN EMERGENCY!!"
Oh my god, what's happened? Did something happen to Dec? I run towards the sound of David's voice. When I arrive in the corridor in which David is in, I see...well, I see Dec. On the floor. Pale as snow. With blood running down his face. And he's breathing very slowly.
"ANT, you're here!"
"I...I just heard a thud in the corridor. He must have hit his head on the radiator."
"Oh my god."
I broke down, tears streaming down my face. My Dec, right in front of me, he's dying and I can't help him. My boy. My man. It's my fault, I should have stopped being stupid. I don't believe this. I hate myself. My man is here and he's dying.

I wipe the tears from my eyes. I have to do something. This is my man, my Dec. I run to my man and kneel beside him, yelling at David to get the first aid kit. "DAVID WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE WATCHING US? GET THE DAMN FIRST AID KIT!" I feel bad for yelling at him, but how am I supposed to react to this? The love of my life is dying. DYING. And if i lose him, my life isn't worth living.
David returns with the first aid kit. I bandage Dec's head up with care. "Dec, I don't know if you can hear me but everything is going to be alright. You're going to be okay. We're going to be fine.

Simon's POV
Oh snap. I've done it this time. I mean, we were supposed to be secret for another month or so yet. But no, I just go and SPOIL the whole damn thing by not checking if I am on speakerphone! Why did David hang up on me? What did I do? Was it that he didn't want to be out just yet? Or did something happen to him? Oh god, I hope he's alright. I better call him.
I grab my phone out of my pocket and call David. I am greeted with a 'USER BUSY' screen so I leave him a message, "Umm...hi babe, it's Simon. Just wondering if you're alright because I tried to call you and it said you were busy. Call me when you can."

I hang up the phone and make sure it's not on silent for when David rings me back later

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I hang up the phone and make sure it's not on silent for when David rings me back later. I hope nothing bad has happened to him...

Third person POV

David and Ant kneel beside Dec on the floor, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the ambulance services. Ant is whispering to Dec, telling him that everything is going to be alright and that he is going to be fine. Dec is now less pale than he was, and he is breathing more normally now. Ant can hear the sirens of an ambulance in the distance, no doubt heading towards Wembley to come and help them.

-time skip, 25 minutes-

Dec's POV
I wake up to sirens in my ears. I try to move my neck...to crane it up to see where I am.
"Oh my god, he's awake!"
That voice sounds familiar...Ant? My Ant...
"Dec, can you hear me?"
I try to speak. My throat feels dry.
"I don't think he can speak...please get him a drink."
The floor bounces up and down. I must be in an ambulance...but what happened?
The next thing I know is that water is being poured into my throat. I feel the moisture soaking into my throat. I swallow repeatedly before saying "ANT!" and realising how loud that sounded. I must have forgot how loud my own voice is... I giggle.
"Ant, I can't move."
Once again I try to crane my neck up, but I can't. I try to wiggle my toes, but they won't move. None of me will move. I can't move!
A paramedic walks up to my stretcher.
"Hello, Mr Donnelly. My name is Alexis and I am a paramedic. I would like you to try and move your fingers for me please."
I try to wiggle my fingertips, and fail miserably. I think a look of my despair crosses my face, because all of a sudden Alexa has a look of pity and empathy on her face.
"I can't move anything, Alexis."
"Ok Mr Donnelly-"
"Please call me Dec." I say, trying to muster a smile from my sadness.
"Ok, Dec. We are going to need to put this neck brace on you. It might feel a little uncomfortable if you can feel it, but it's a necessary precaution until we know the situation with your movement."
They weren't wrong, it is very uncomfortable! At least I can feel it though. That's a good sign...maybe I will be able to move again soon!
"How long have I been unconscious?"I ask Ant.
"Not long mate. Probably around half an hour. The ambulance didn't take long to arrive, they have a distributer near by, but the hospital is a lot further away...."
"So I just need to hold on till we get there?"
"What do you mean Dec?"
"I need to pee."
Ant laughs, before replying "Yes there will be toilets there. But I don't know how you're going to use one, what with that paralysis thing and all."
"So am I paralysed Ant?"
"Not quite...well we don't really know yet. They haven't had chance to scan you!"
I suddenly feel a trickle down my face. I suddenly remember slipping...I hit my head and I fell.
"Oh yes, we need to sew that up!!" Alexis says. I hear the clattering of something plastic...probably drawers.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Just gonna get you all fixed up. Right, now we are going to use a local anaesthetic on your wound."
I feel a cold, numbing feeling against my forehead and then i see string floating in front of my eyes.
"Be careful Alexis, you don't want to change the size of his forehead of doom!" Ant points out.
"Ant, we both know that your FOD is bigger and more reflective than mine!" I reply. I stick my tongue out at him. Even Alexis giggles a little.
"Right, all done!"
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a/n: how are you liking the story ?? dont forget to comment any story ideas that you want me to write :)))

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖨 𝖶𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖴𝗉 | a. mcpartlin x d. donnellyWhere stories live. Discover now