Chapter 12

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We're all cuddling on the bed.

Well, Braxton and I are using the giant elephant, Mia is on a beanbag chair, the Ethan and Bri are on my bed. They're making out.

"If you would please not make my nieces and nephews on my bed that would be wonderful."

"Erin, Tyler wants me back." Mia sighs.

See, a few months ago all the guys had girlfriends in the school. Some were dating for long times. Everyone was happy.

Then a wave of exchange students came in and the guys left the girls for the exchange students, but they left three days ago and all the guys want the girls back, so all the girls are depressed and stressed and the guys are horny. I've been asked out eleven times in three days.

Tyler is her ex.

"No Mia."

Mom walks in the room.

"Here." She tosses me my car keys. "My car is fixed and in the garage." She says.

"Awesome. Thanks."

"There's a condition." Mom says.

"Okay." I say.

"You have to go to the store for me." She says.

I nod. "Alright, I'll be back." I get up from Braxton's arms

I pull a pair of jeans over my spandex and slip on some flip flops, and I go downstairs and out the front door with the twenty Mom handed me on my way down.

I start the drive to the store. I have to drive to town.

I'm stopped at a red light next to a park.

I hear sirens.

I look in my side mirror.

A giant white semi is speeding, going at least eighty, running from the cops.

Another cop that is part of the SWAT team pulls in front of him.

He jerks the wheel to the right.

He slams into the side of my car, my side, my window shatters, and I feel myself flying and spinning, and I feel like I might vomit.

Then, the roof of my car hits the ground, hard.

Am I dead?

I hear what sounds like millions of sirens and I smell smoke. People are screaming.

I'm crying.

My head is killing me and my arm is bleeding.

I hear the sound of ripping metal and the sound of my seatbelt being cut.

I'm gently pulled out of the car.

A paramedic shines a flashlight in my eyes.

"Ma'am, are you okay? Can you hear me?" he asks.

"Yes." I mumble, looking at my car.

It's destroyed.

"Fire!" Someone yells.

I'm lifted and moved away from the car.

It's on fire.

My phone is still in my pocket. I pull it out with shaky hands. It's cracked.

"How old are you?" one of them asks.

"Seventeen." I say.

A police officer curses.

"What's your name?" he asks.

"Erin Carter." I mumble.

They move me to an ambulance.


"EVERYONE DOWNSTAIRS!" Mr. Carter screams.

He sounds worried and upset, almost like he might cry.

All of us jump up and go downstairs. Ava is last to come down.

"What?" Ethan asks.

"A semi was running from a police officer going eight three and he hit Erin's car from the drivers side. It flipped and hit the ground."


"What?" Mrs. Carter gasps.

"We need to leave."

"Well is she in the hospital?" Mrs. Carter asks.

We all pile into Mrs. Carter's car.

"No, she's at the scene."

"She was nearly killed and they didn't take her to a hospital? What's the matter with them!"

"Did they say if she's okay?" Mom demands.

"No." Mr. Carter says.


They keep checking my vitals and pressing random parts of my body.

"What does hurt?" the paramedic finally asks.

"I have a headache." I say. "Can I please call my Mom now?"

"How about you lie down?"

I stand up. "I want to call my Mom."

"Erin, you-"

"I want to call my Mom!" I shout at him. I've been crying and I have a headache and I just want to go home.

"I can't let you do that." He says.

"This is kidnapping." I say.

"Erin!" Mom calls. I turn around because my neck hurts.

She hugs me, looking me up and down, and then turns to the paramedic. "Why isn't she in the hospital?"

"Because she only has a concussion and three stitches."

"I want her taken to the hospital. If something is wrong and she dies, you will be sewed for all of your money."

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