[ thirty-seven ]

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Im Changkyun

i went to place mr. baek's wine on the table as he had ordered me to do so.

it has been 5 days keeping ha rim locked up in the storage room. although it was a short amount of time for mr. baek, it felt very long to us considering the effort i had to place daily in assisting her to eat and bathe without escaping the house.

ha rim was growing restless as days and nights went by. the storage room was dark without any windows, and i was the only person she could rely on. she had no means to communicate with her workmates nor with yoo kihyun to let them know what was happening.

on the third day, she was already begging me to let her go.

"thanks." i suddenly flinched the moment mr. baek appeared right beside me.

although he interrupted my thoughts, i quickly gave a nod and went ahead to walk my way.

"changkyun?" i stopped on my tracks the moment i heard him call my name.

"yes, sir? is there anything else i could help with?" i immediately faced him and responded.

"hmm, there is one. i've been thinking about it for these past few days considering that ha rim is all locked up in this house." he spoke, walking up closer to me.

i got intrigued, thinking that it surely wasn't going to be a simple task. tilting my head slightly, i went ahead to ask.

"what is it about, sir?"

"changkyun, i want you to finish ha rim's mission for her. i no longer think she's capable of carrying it out herself considering the amount of time she's taking to advance her motives." he revealed.

my jaw slowly dropped open at what i had heard. it was simply unbelievable that he was passing it on to me especially when we both knew how meaningful this revenge was for ha rim. she trained years for this moment, but the chances of her putting an end to the chae family herself were getting stripped away from her.

"i can't wait any longer, and i know you're the best person for this job. you've always dealt with tough people for me flawlessly and you've never left a trace. you're excellent, changkyun-ah."

"w-when must it be done, sir?" i felt myself hesitating.

i was capable, indeed, but i didn't want ha rim hating me for this.

"as soon as possible. you should start with chae hyungwon. there's no better bait and way of making mayor chae suffer other than by using his precious son." he smirked.

i swallowed hard and contemplated on it. i was at a crossroads and i didn't know which path to take. i've always felt indebted to mr. baek for taking me in, so i've lived my life in service of him. but this time, i also didn't to take any opportunity away from ha rim.

"what must be done should be done, changkyun-ah. i'm counting on you for this. good luck." he gave me a tap on the shoulder and left.


Chae Hyungwon

it has been days since my cold symptoms have improved. i did my best to be diligent in taking the medicine ha rim got for me since that day, but to my dismay, i never found her presence in the company this week.

"is it just me who can't seem to cross paths with her or has she really been absent from work?" i muttered to myself as i contemplated on it.

deep inside, i felt worried about her and down that i couldn't anticipate seeing her at all.

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