[ thirty - six ]

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Baek Ha Rim

i silently took a deep breath as i got ready to get out of the car. spending the night with yoo kihyun felt magical, but i had to leave because the night wasn't getting any younger.

"you can drop me off here." i suddenly spoke, causing kihyun to look at me in confusion.

"is your house around this area? i can drive you all the way home." he asked, slowing down the car with concern after my abrupt notice.

"there's no need. my father's quite strict, he might not appreciate seeing me with a man just yet. i'd prefer to walk all the way home." i made up an excuse.

i secretly thought that i was getting better at lying.

although yoo kihyun didn't understand why, it wasn't something he could argue with. i quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and got ready to unlock the car door on my side.

"hold on, i haven't fulfilled my third purpose of meeting you yet." kihyun suddenly stopped me. 

i quickly covered my lips with the back of my hand in surprise. i didn't know why it was quick of me to assume he was going to kiss me again, but i soon realized how embarrassing of a reaction it was.

"wait, don't tell me you thought i was gonna.." kihyun started.

in just a second after he realized, he bursted out laughing. my cheeks turned hot as i regretted why i reacted that way. it was definitely a moment of vulnerability. i froze on my spot, awkwardly waiting for him to stop laughing.

thankfully, kihyun soon calmed down and looked at me in amusement.

"don't worry about that, ha rim-ssi. although it's not like i would mind kissing you again, you seem to have your guard up tonight. i'll tell you quickly what my last purpose was." he took out a bag from the seat behind us and handed it to me.

i looked at it in my hands, wondering what was inside. the moment i soon noticed that there was a piece of clothing, i turned to look at kihyun, feeling flustered.

"i can't accept this." i tried to give it back to him.

"i can't take no for an answer, ha rim-ssi." he declined.

"yk hotel is going to be having a celebration after our ribbon cutting ceremony for the new extension we've just finished building. i hope you'd accept my personal invitation for you to come. i really want you to be the one to accompany me in this significant event." he spoke.

i felt as if i couldn't decide. i wanted to grab onto this opportunity, but i didn't want the spotlight on me. how worthy was i to be right beside ceo yoo? the more people are gonna notice me, the harder it is to hide once things go wrong.

"think about it once you get to wear that dress on. make sure i see you come wearing it on that special night." he added.

"alright.. thanks for tonight, kihyun-ssi. go home safely." i gave him a nod and decided to bid him goodbye as i pushed the car door open and got out with the shopping bag in my hands.

Mr. Baek

"i can't believe i have to call you on a night like this, mr. baek... but isn't the young girl you have in your house named ha rim, if i could recall?"

i furrowed my brows at the sudden way my old colleague brought up my daughter. we haven't spoken to each other for years, so i found it odd how he contacted me out of the blue to ask about her.

"yes, her name's ha rim." i replied shortly, still a bit suspicious.

"ah.. the seo family's ha rim which you adopted, right? it's been a long time."

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