Chapter 11- Happy Birthday

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"So am I right to say that B was the cause for your heavy eye bags?" Ella said, looking at me as she puts her fork on the lunchbox cover.

"Well.. you could say that about 40% of it was the cause of my heavy eye bags."

"Then what about the remaining 60%?" Ella probes further while I take sips of my water since my throat is dry from the storytelling session.

Staying hydrated is definitely key for another storytelling session, right?

"Well...that is for me to know and for you to find out because I ain't sharing it with you."

"Come on! I was just about getting more interested and excited in becoming a detective to solve the mystery for your heavy eye bags!" Ella said, looking at me in disbelief.

"Well, I guess that pretty sums up your role as a detective, Ella."

"You are definitely no fun, Ariella." Ella pouts as she pokes her salad hardly before taking a bite of it from her lunchbox.

Poor salad.


A few days later...

"Finally Friday is here!" Ella said, smiling widely as she faced the sky.

"And of course, your birthday. Happy birthday Ella!" I said, causing me to earn a super tight hug from her.

Boy, this girl can seriously cause my lungs to not take in oxygen for a moment.

"Thank you Ariella! You're the best!"

"Now don't thank me too fast because I have a surprise for you..." I trailed, causing Ella to smile even wider at me as she anticipated my 'surprise' while I pretended to search my bag.

"Here you go!" I said, pulling out our medicine book from my bag. Ella scowled at the sight of the book and looked at me in disbelief.

"Are you seriously kidding me right now? A medicine book that both you and I have?" Ella said, pointing at the book.

"I am just kidding. Your actual surprise is waiting for you at home."

"Then why are we even walking so slowly? Let's move faster!" Ella grabs my hand as she begins to speed walk home with me.

From the moment we entered her house, the house was filled with beautiful birthday decorations and balloons.

Definitely not forgetting the special decoration for Ella at the centre of the living room, which spells out 'Happy Birthday Ella' in gold.

"Welcome back, Ella and glad to have you with us, Ariella." Ella's mother said once she noticed our presence in the house.

"The pleasure should be mine instead, Ma'am."

"Come over here ladies, we have left you two a seat each at the dining table." Ella's father warmly welcomes us to the dining table where the birthday celebration for Ella begins.

Time flew past so fast that I did not even realize how late it was for me to get back home.

It was already 11pm.

The first thought that came across my mind was that I am in deep trouble.

My parents were not even aware that I would be coming home this late. Both of them must be worried sick.

Many thoughts run through my mind wildly and just when I was about to excuse myself from the living room, Ella's mother grabs my hand to stop me.

This causes me to look up and stop in my tracks while I give her a curious look.

"Don't worry, I have already told your parents that you will be staying over. You can take a breather now." She said, as though she could read through my mind.

Needless to say, I heaved a sigh of relief knowing that I would not be in deep trouble and my parents would not be worried sick about me.

I mean, it would be really bad and awkward if my parents began to activate the whole family village to look for me when I am at Ella's place.

"Thank you so much Ella's mother." I said, giving her a warm smile which she was quick to reciprocate back too.

"I shall leave you and Ella now. She should be done with her shower and you should take yours too. I have left a fresh set of comfortable clothes on Ella's bed." Ella's mother said before walking off to the kitchen.

I immediately took out my phone and noticed a message from both my mom and dad.

Dad: Take care of yourself while you stay over. See you tomorrow

Mom: Have fun honey. Stay safe alright. Sweet dreams.

My fingers moved wildly on my phone screen while I replied to both of my parents' messages before Ella came down to the living room to invite me to her room.


After taking a refreshing bath and putting on the set of comfortable clothing, I exited the bathroom and sat next to Ella on her bed.

"Thank you for everything, Ariella." Ella said, putting her phone down and pulled me for another round of her tight hug.

"You're welcome. You can let me go first if not my lungs cannot function." I grasp for air in between my sentences as I struggle to finish saying the sentence.

"But wow, how did you even plan this whole birthday out by yourself?" Ella shifted slightly in her position so that she could face me.

"Well... I've got to admit that I got some help from Jason since I have no idea where to buy those beautiful decorations from."

"Jason helped you?!"


"Damn, is it just me but there are like 3 guys hitting up on you right now?" Ella said, putting out three of her fingers in front of me after she had counted.

"I can guarantee you that there isn't." I reassured her by giving her a straight look.

"Well, tell me more about it when there is a guy called Jason who got your number and helped you out on my special day; another guy called B who sort of flirted with you; and lastly, a guy called Tyler Player Hood...

And speaking of Tyler Player Hood... his birthday is coming up soon too right?"

"Yeah, it is tomorrow."

"Oh wow. That is unexpected." Ella said, and somehow her eyes became bigger after that.

"I thought you knew about this all along?"

"Nope. I am not that interested about his matters ever since you guys broke up. Or should I say, he left you for good.... But are you going to wish him?"

"Should I?" I said, looking back at Ella with mixed emotions flashing across my face.

"Well, he did wish you on your special day and I think it is only polite of you to return the favor back to him too. Besides, I feel it is completely fine for you to wish him too. It is his special day after all. And oh, you have 1 more minute to go." Ella concludes, noticing the time on her phone.

I unlocked my phone and searched for Tyler's name. My fingers began to do the typing and I was just in time to send him a 'Happy Birthday :)' text exactly at 00:00 on his special day.

"Well, I guess it is time for us to sleep now too." Ella said, pulling in the covers.


A/N: Hey hey hey everyone! Here is another chapter of Reloving Us Again! Sooo what do you guys think of birthdays? Is there a special meaning behind your thoughts on birthdays? Feel free to type your thoughts below :) 

Huge thanks to you guys who have been reading this book thus far too! Have a great day!

On a side note, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!

Love, J. 

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