Andy Velasquez (Crown The Empire)

Start from the beginning

"Nah, not really" I say with a straight face even though I'm completely just joking around.

"Oh, I see how it is then Bitch" Andy shakes his head and looks away from me.

"Andrew!" I raise my voice and playfully slap his arm.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for?" He looks down at his now slightly red arm.

"That's for calling me a bitch. Duh, what else?".

"I was just messing with you Vianey, gosh".

"I know, so was I" I let out a small laugh.

"So, what are we gunna do today?" I add after a moment of us just staring into each other's eyes.

"Your going to relax of course. That way you can hopefully feel better tomorrow" Andy tells me.

"Yeah, your right. Are we like just going to watch Netflix, eat, sleep, cuddle and shit all day?".

"That's the plan, yes. Although I recommend you take some medicine though or something for that headache of yours".

"Okay, is there any Advil or aspirin down in the kitchen?".

"Umm, I think so. Just lay in bed and get comfortable while I go and check, alright?" Andy motions for me to get under the covers.

I nod my head before laying my head against my soft pillow and close my eyes until Andy returns with some Advil and a glass of water in both of his hands.

"Thanks" I mutter before taking both of the things out of his hand.

"Welcome. Okay, so which movie or TV show do you wanna watch first?" Andy asks me while he joins me under the covers, and snuggles close to me.

"Umm, how about we watch the last episode of Eye Candy that came on Monday? Since we missed it because of you and the guys's concert" I suggest before finishing the glass of water he gave me.

"Oh yeah! I think I might cry when the episode is over since it's the season finale".

"It's not like it's going to be over forever".

"I know, but still... That show is literally my new addiction".

"I swear you act like a girl sometimes Andy" I laugh and ruffle his dark hair.

"Oh shut up. That's bullshit" he laughs along before turning on the television and goes over to the shows we recorded, and starts to the play the newest episode of Eye Candy.

A hour later the show is over and Andy starts to mumble profanities under his breath.

"Why are you cussing up a storm Velasquez?" I turn my head around so I can face him.

"How the fuck can they end the show like that?! That ending only makes me want to know what's going to happen even more!" Andy exclaims and throws his hands up in the air.

"I know, me too. Let's just hope there's a season two" I say.

"There better fucking be" Andy says before shaking his head and laughs.

"Andy, I'm hungry. Go make me some food" I tell him as I get myself more comfortable in my bed.

"Your hungry already?" Andy gives me a weird look.

"Yeah... Aren't you?" I question him.

"Well yeah, but still... I ate before you did so I have a reason to be hungry again already".

"You should already know how much I eat... I eat as much as you Andy".

"I know, you eat like a fucking grown man" Andy chuckles before he gets out of the bed.

"I can tell you really don't want to make us something to eat" I say to him.

"Nope, not really. I feel too lazy to do so".

"Well it was your idea for me to stay here and not go to school... So" I say with a grin starting to form on my face.

"Okay, okay. I'm going to go make us some food. Is there anything specific that you want?".

"Not really. Just surprise me" I tell him with a smile.

Once Andy's left my room, I close my eyes and decide to take a short nap until he's done making our food. That way hopefully my headache will die down or go away completely.

"Hey babe, wake up. The food is ready now" I hear Andy whisper as he lightly places his hand on my shoulders.

I let out a loud yawn and open my eyes to meet Andy's.

"What time is it?" I ask him.

"It's almost four. You've been sleeping for almost two hours".

"Oh, well what did you make?".

"Come downstairs to the kitchen and you'll see for yourself" he says while holding out a hand for me to take.

I take the covers off my body and place my small hand inside his before we both walk down to the kitchen hand in hand.

"You made spaghetti?" I say while starting to smile since it smells so good in here and I love it whenever Andy cooks.

"Yup" he says before pointing down at the apron that he's wearing.

I look down at the apron for the first time and notice that it says Kiss The Cook in bold black lettering.

"Wow, really Andy?" I look at my boyfriend and start to laugh.

"Yes, really. So, aren't you going to kiss the cook?" He asks before puckering his lips out towards me.

"I'm sick remember? I could get you sick" I shake my head no and take a step back.

"Do you really think I care about that? Your my girlfriend and I want to kiss you" Andy says as he pulls me against his chest.

"Okay, if you say so" I say before placing my lips against his.

"I love you Vianey" Andy tells me after we separate our lips for a split second so we can catch our breath.

"And I love you Andrew" I send him a sweet smile before we continue our kiss.

(Who else is addicted to Sleeping With Sirens new album Madness? It's literally been on repeat since I got it yesterday! I love it so much, but I do wish there was some more heavier songs on the album though. Also guys if you have a Vine or Instagram & wanna follow me, my Vine is ThatOneBandGirl15 & my Instagram is utd_asf. I'll follow you guys back❤️).

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