Man: he–hey what are you going to do with that

Y/n: does he going to cut his finger for real?

Jungkook cut his ring finger

You scream loudly like he had cut your finger you hug taehyung tightly and hide your face in his chest the man was screaming in pain then jungkook first aid his finger and about to cut next finger

Y/n: no no plzz (taehyung saw that you were crying he hug you and take you behind pillar so you can't able to see what jk is doing)

Man: What you want from me why are you doing this?

Jk: where is your boss and what his plan

A/n p.o.v

You were closing your eyes with your hand taehyung was looking down at you  he wanted to distract you from what jungkook is doing suddenly you felt a pump lip's on your at first you were shocked he take your hand and wrap around his neck and hold your waist next thing you melt in his warmth and kiss him back the kiss was long

Jk: don't wanna disturb you both but we have hurry and leave from here

You were embarrassed

Tae: you both go pack our stuff I'm coming in minutes

Jk: okay (You and jk left from there the man is groaning in pain)

Tae: you called my gf bitch huh and you touched my gf and as a possessive boyfriend I'm not gonna leave you like this (he shot his forehead) fuvk you

He went down at reception and check out from hotel you all came outside of hotel

Jk: who's gonna drive?

Tae: you, me and y/n will sit behind

Jk: you mean driver no way

Tae: are you denying me?

Y/n: wait wait tae you drive jungkook will sit behind

Jk: hmm and we have to leave this area as fast as we can otherwise police will trace us if he said who did this to him

Tae: no he can't

Jk: how he saw my handsome face and your ugly face

Tae: i killed him already

Y/n and jk: what!!!!!!!

Tae: why you both always make sound effects this loud sit in car fast

You sat beside tae and jungkook sat behind

Jk: by the way now you both are couple huhh? 😏

Y/n: no!

Jk: huh? But i saw you, you both were kissing

Y/n: he kissed me first and it's natural when someone kiss you so you also kiss him back

Jk: really hyung?

(tae was blushing)

Jk: by the way your fingers are so cute i didn't noticed at first (he hold your hand and started admiring your fingers you snatch your hand )

Y/n: don't even think to cut my fingers you devil i thought you were angel but i was wrong you are devil taehyung is more better than you

Jk: ahhh at least i leave people alive taehyung directly kill them

Y/n: yaa you leave people in pain now you tell if he don't have finger could he eat, grab, no

Jk: yaah you are taking your boyfriend side

Y/n: stay away from me who knows if you cut my fingers too

Jk: ahh don't do this I have only you to talk if you also did this so how can i live in this unmindful earth

Y/n: ok ok stop your melo drama but by the way why taehyung is so silent? Doesn't it feels awkward? The silence before the storm

Jk: yeah hyung are you here? What are you thinking?

Tae: I'm happy today

Jk: for what?

Tae: just happy

Time skip you all arrived to another hotel

Man: how may i help you sir?

Tae:  book rooms for Mr Kim and Mr Jeon

Man: okk and what about you mam

Tae: she is Mrs kim

Y/n: Mrs kim! When

Tae: you are my wife here,

Tae: book two room, one is large bed, and one is normal bed,

Jk: large bed for me?? 🤩

Tae: it's for us you fool, here take your keys and don't disturb us

Jk: 😑

JK: what's your room no?

Tae: 609 and your 403

Jk: I'll live at 4th floor 🤨

Tae: yeah any problem?

Jk: no!

Time skip~

You were sitting on bed and using tae phone he was taking bath you already took bath at first

Tae: What are you doing?

Y/n: playing games

Tae: oh ok by the way that dress was looking awesome on you

Y/n: I'm awesome and i make things awesome 😎

Tae: yeah so i wanted to ask something

Y/n: yep ask

Tae: about the kiss we had behind pillar

Y/n: ahh...ummm.. I'm sleepy now let's talk tomorrow (you slowly take blanket and covered yourself you pretend to be asleep

Tae: by the way you're not good at acting

Y/n: if you know then sleep you are embarrassing me

Tae: ohh ok he lied beside you and hug you

Y/n: what are you doing!

Tae: you said that when you hug someone on that time you can sleep well i don't want kick by you again

Not going to lie but you were also loving that you didn't said anything and hug him back

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