Chapter five

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Jezzabelle's POV

   I felt my shoulder being tapped again. I lifted my head up to see who the intruder that couldn't let me sleep was.

  "Do you want to go the movies tonight?" Arianna whispered, I let out a loud sigh and shook my head. She could've texted me, told me after class.

But no, she had to wake me up.

  "Why not? I'll buy you the snacks, please." I shook my head again and put it down. I'll try to fall asleep again, that dream was so good.

"Please Belle, C'mon." NO.

    "Fuck off." I said a little higher this time. My head was still down. I heard her huffing, oh she's mad now.

     I'm mad, woke me up for the dumbest reason ever. She knows best to not wake me up to ask anything— I tell my sisters the same thing, don't wake me up unless the house is burning. 
  Especially after I didn't sleep a blink last night. My sleeping schedule was been all over the place, thank goodness spring break is next month. 

    The singing of the bell startled me awake, making my head go up. I rubbed my tired eyes for a second before gathering all my things.

  "Jezzabelle, please." Arianna insisted, grabbing onto my upper arm and looking at me with a sad expression. I finally nodded my head, just to get her to shut up.

    My attempt was invalid, she wouldn't shut up. Especially now that Jacob is here, it's like she swallowed a radio this morning.

"Here, you got something here." Arianna said as she wiped the corner of Jacob's mouth.

I want to kill myself.

It's lunch time, it's supposed the be the most enjoyable part of the day yet I wanna puke and pull all my hair off.

It's been a rough morning for me.

I took my eyes off the disgusting couple, and looked down at my food. They've been dating for forty—eight hours. They're like middle schoolers sometimes...

Since when have I become so bitter. I should be happy for my best friend.

Even though he's taking her from me.

   "What's good," I looked up in front of me, the sight of Alex taking me off guard. I thought he wouldn't come today. He hasn't been in school for three days.
I gave him a small smile, not wanting to talk.

He sat down next to me, something he never does.


     "They together now?" I gave him a nod, my eyes darting to the couple.

       They're making out. I really think I'm gonna puke now. Not because my best friend is shoving her tongue down Jacob throat, but because I'm on my period.

     I become very nauseous, I get headaches. I become a mess, that's why it's been a bad morning. That's why I didn't want to the movies tonight. But I rather watch a movie then hear Arianna babble all night long.


   My comment makes him chuckle, and his chuckle makes me look up at him. He's leaned forward with both arms on the table. My eyes wander to his tattoos, he has so many.

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