Chapter two

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Jezzabelle's POV

"You look so fucking stupid." I said the second I walked into the classroom,

              "Don't talk to me. It's your fault."

  "You're the one wearing sun glasses, how is that my fault?"

Okay she does look bad.

"..Now you know I would've helped you." I brought my school makeup bag out. I keep one just incase, there I have concealer, a contour palette, about five different brushes, and highlight.

I applied hand sanitizer on before putting the concealer on her eyes. I had to make this quick before—

"Hi everyone." Mrs.Greenwood comes in.

Never mind.

      "Our Cheerleader president whom some may know as Vanessa Rodgers has gotten in a Coma. I can't really get into what happened but just know that the cheerleading tryouts will be held after school today. I'm encouraging all of you lovely ladies in my class to, please, try and join. Without a Captain we won't really have a cheer team. If any of you have done gymnastics or anything of that sort, try and join." The murmurs started right away,

Vanessa? In a coma.

I turned to my side, Arianna had the same smile as me. "No, because this is more exciting than the new boys." I rolled my eyes. I thought she'd finally drop that subject.

"Vanessa probably crashed in a car race. She's in a coma because of the race last night." A quick gasp left Ariana's lips. She covered her mouth with both of her hands.

"I think it was Eric. Jezzabelle," No way. "I fucked up. I— I told him to go after her." I actually can't believe her right now.

"Are you serious?" She gave me a embarrassed nod. I actually can't believe her right now.. i understand they dislike each other but Vanessa would never try to kill Arianna.

"Arianna.." I don't know what to say, I'm thinking a lot yet— there's nothing for me to say.

"I didn't tell him to kill her, I just— I told him to mess up with her cat a bit. That's all. I was with you and Alec the whole night in his car." I didn't know Eric that well, I caught Ariana and him kissing in house after we had a few shots of Patron.

He's rich, and cute— to Ariana. That's really all I know, I don't make conversation with any of Ariana boy toy's unless they talk to me. Besides, Alec would get mad at me anyway.

"You didn't do anything. Let's just.. don't say anything about it, okay?" She gave me a quick nod before turning her her eyes to the front. I did the same, I don't know what to think. Best if I don't think at all.

— -ˋ୨୧'- —

"You saved my life, now if I see that fine piece of meat. I'll ask for him number."


"Jacob. Remember, I only like him now." I rolled my eyes at her idiotic statement. I didn't believe a word that comes out her mouth— at all. Only because Ariana isn't one to be in relationships. Yes, She'll talk to multiple guys, flirt even or hang out with them. Yet, have crushes and relationships? Not the Ariana I know.

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