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            ⚠️TW⚠️: cursing
                          I woke up to the feeling of sunlight on my face. I tried to leave the bed but failed, feeling 2 pairs of arms pull me back down. 'Wait. Who else is here?......' I wondered. I looked over to my left to find Michael with his face shoved in between my shoulder blades, his large arms wrapped around my stomach. I then turned to my right, only to be met face to face with a broad chest. I looked up and saw that it was Thomas. He was still asleep and had his arms wrapped around my waist right above Michaels. I thought back to when I gave him a hug in the cafeteria that one time. 'He really is comfy. His chest is just the perfect mixture of chub and muscle that makes it so soft.' I smiled thinking about it. I nuzzled into him, fisting some of his shirt in my hands. I felt him stir a bit and look down at me. I poked his cheek causing him to chuckle at my childish action. He leaned down and pecked my forehead making a rosey pink rise to my cheeks. He laughed a bit louder at my reaction and I just pouted. 'Him and bubba sure are alike in their soft sides. I like it. They treat me like I'm a porcelain doll as if I'll break at the slightest touch.' He stopped laughing and looked at me. We laid there staring at each other for a minute. 'Now that I'm looking at him up close, he sure is handsome. I wonder what would happen......if I just.....' I began to lean forward as I let my eyes flutter closed. Just as our noses touched, I felt Michael shoot up from the bed and yank Thomas away from me by a handful of his hair at inhuman speed. Thomas let out a sound that sounded like a whine and a grunt as he tried to pry Michael's hand out of his hair. Michael stomped out the door dragging Thomas with him. Just before he left the room, he turned to me and pointed from me to the bed all while staring so deep into my eyes I thought he was going to suck my soul out. I nodded and he disappeared out the door and into the hallway. 'Well now what am I supposed to do? Thanks Michael for being a cock block.' I thought. I looked around the room in search of something to cure my boredom. As I looked to the closet, something caught my eye. A small, spiral sketchbook was peeking out from under the door. It looked to be in pretty good condition, so I scrambled over to it and picked it up. 'Now to find something to draw with.'

3rd Person POV

                  Michael drug the poor man all the way to the cafeteria where all the other killers just happened to be. Once in there, he practically threw Thomas across the room and took long strides over to one of the tables. He proceeded to sit down and cross his arms like a 5 year old that didn't get their way. "What the hell was that?!" Freddy screeched looking from the groaning Thomas to the pouty Michael. Taking out a pad of paper and a pencil, Michael aggressively wrote down what was wrong while surprisingly not snapping the pencil in two. 'Thomas tried to kiss Y/N! On the lips!' "What lips?" Freddy said, breaking into a fit of laughter at his own joke. Thomas whined at Freddy's teasing. "So let me get this straight, you two like Y/N? As in, you like like them?" Hannibal asked, raising an eyebrow. Michael nodded sheepishly as Thomas beamed. He really has become fond of them. The way he wanted to play with their soft  H/C hair and stare into their gorgeous E/C eyes all day long. A smile formed on his lips as his cheeks became flustered. Thankfully, no one could see it because of his mask. "Well," Hannibal started. "You two aren't the only ones who like them..." he said, all of the other killers began to look around the room trying to avoid Michael's rage filled irises. He became annoyed at this and banged his fists on the table causing the other to flinch. Poor Stu jumped about a mile high, just about smacking his head on the ceiling. "Ok, ok. We all like them. Some more than others but we all know Jason has known them the longest. What do you think we should do to get them to be more comfortable around us?" Hannibal asked, turning towards the woodland giant. He gently took the pad and paper into his large hands and wrote down 'movie night'. "Where the fuck are we supposed to find a TV?" Freddy asked. "I found one with a DVD player in one of the old classrooms. The room is also big enough to fit all of us. The only thing we need is movies, but there could possibly be some in that room." Billy pointed out. Hannibal nodded. "Movie night it is."

1st Person POV

               I quickly gave up on the whole drawing idea. The floor was covered in my balled up drawing attempts and I could barely walk around without slipping on one. 'Hmm. I want to explore, but Michael did tell me to stay here. Oh what the hell, he's been gone for 45 minutes now, what's a little longer.' I kicked all the paper balls out of the way and creeped out into the hallway. I walked down the west hall since I had never been down there before. The only reason being that I always woke up at night so it was dark all the time. But now, there are rays of sunlight peeking through the windows, giving me enough light to see my surroundings. All of the doors were either cracked or wide open, the rooms looking like 3 bombs went off in each one. The one that caught my interest however, was the last door on the left. It was the only door that was closed. I reached out, feeling the cool metal on the palm of my hand. I twisted the knob and pushed the door open as it emitted a loud creaking sound. I stood perfectly still and waited for the sound of footsteps to see if any of the guys heard. After a minute of nothing, I went into the room.

               The classroom was completely empty. It looked like an open void almost. The only thing in the room being in the exact middle of it. There, sitting perfectly straight, was an old and beat up Good Guy doll. I went over to it and picked it up. I must've pressed a button or something because it looked straight at me and spoke in a high pitched, mechanical voice. "Hi I'm Chucky! Wanna play?" The sudden speaking frightened me and I let go of it on instinct. "Watch it bitch!" The doll screamed in a deeper and much more human sounding voice.

            "What the-" I began, but stopped as I heard multiple footsteps running towards the room I was currently in.

       'I'm screwed.'

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