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                 14 years. It's been 14 fucking years since the day I lost the boy I was so deeply in love with. I'll never forget it. Stupid kids for throwing him in. Stupid counselors for having sex while he lost his life. Stupid people. I hate them all. Jason was kind. The kindest person I've ever met. And why? Well.... I'll never know. He was always so gentle with me. And when he held me. That's all I want. Just to have him hold me one more time.

                  The day I ran from that dreaded camp, I stumbled upon an abandoned school. There were quite a few toys in the classrooms hinting to the fact that it was most likely an elementary school now left to rot. The reason? Who knows. All I knew was that it was somewhere I could stay. It also proved to be quite the jackpot for humans because of all those dumbass kids coming to make "videos" or whatever. Mostly they just come to vandalize the place with drawings of dicks and vulgar slurs. Oh boy was it a treat when a bunch of kids came in my home and had their fun. I always loved watching the life leave their eyes every time I killed one of those stupid teens. They think they're so high up, on cloud 9 even. But I'd quickly bring them down to my hell.

                 As I slowly glided around the floor dancing to the scratchy music coming from an old record player, I heard multiple voices in the distance. 'Stupid kids' I thought, quickly taking the needle off the record and sliding into a room to listen to what sounded like multiple grown men. "This place should work to fit us all. It's in decent living conditions and quite spacious." The first man said. He sounded very serious, almost like a business man. "Yea looks fine. If everyone else agrees then we should be ok. We need to get beds though." Another man said, his voice sounding almost fake. 'No way in hell is anyone staying here and getting away with it. This is my home.' As quietly as possible I snuck out of the room I was in currently so I could find another. But I mustn't have been quiet enough because I heard the first man speak up again making me freeze. "What is it Michael? Someone's here? Where?" Running back into the room I was in I heard many pairs of footsteps make their way down the hall. "I can smell them." A deep voice said, startling me. 'Who the hell are these people? Or.... What are they?' I could feel multiple presences dangerously close to the door. The only thing between me and those.......things.

                   "In there." The same voice said. Immediately, the door was slowly opening showing a pair of well cared for dress shoes. I curled up in the corner with my face in my knees, my eyes being the only thing peaking out. A man looking to be around his mid 40s came into the room with me. His eyes met mine as he just stood there staring at me for a minute or two. "Hello dear. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'd just like to know why your here." I only looked at him without answering. 'Only Jason is allowed to hear my voice.' The man sighed after not receiving an answer and walked out. I heard some mumbling before another man walked in. He was much bigger than the first man. He was about 2 times my size with broad shoulders and was wearing a hockey mask over his face. He came closer to me and kneeled down in front of me. 'If he gets any closer I'm going to bite his- wait. Those eyes. They look like-' "J-Jason?" I whispered, hoping it really was him. He seemed startled until I lifted my head from my knees, exposing the lower half of my face. His eyes widened behind the mask and nodded. I jumped on him making little happy squeaks. "Jason! I missed you so much!"  I sobbed into his large chest. He was quick to embrace me like he used to 14 years ago. I fisted his shirt in my hands. I never want to let go. I don't want to loose him again. "I-I thought you w-were dead! I co-couldn't find you in the lake that day! Where were you?!" I cried out, hitting his chest even though it seemed to have no effect on him. All he did was pull me back into him, picking me up so I was on his hip and walking out of the room.

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