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          ⚠️TW:⚠️ gore, cannibalism, and abuse

                       Jason turned to me so quickly I was surprised he didn't get whiplash. "Y-you....you just..." he stuttered, slowly bringing his hand up to touch the spot I kissed. Before I could think of an excuse he threw himself on me for a hug, laughing as we both fell over, with him on top of me. "You kissed me!" He exclaimed happily. "D-did yoU nOt l-like it?" I asked, awaiting his rejection. "Of course I liked it! It was....warm." He smiled at me, his crooked teeth looking absolutely adorable to me. We stayed staring at each other until he looked up and jumped. "We gotta get back to the camp Y/N! It'll be dark pretty soon. We can keep talking if you'd like." "I'd l-lOve to" I smiled, a faint blush on my cheeks.

_t i m e s k i p_

                   Walking through the woods, I heard my stomach growl. "We can go to the cafeteria if you'd like. My moms the cook. She makes really good food." I nodded, putting my mask back on making Jason pout. I raised an eyebrow at his silliness. "I wish you didn't feel like you had to wear your mask." He said. I felt happy hearing those words. No one has ever wanted to see my mouth, much less enjoy looking at it. I was quick to give him a hug, nuzzling my face in his neck since he was only a few inches taller than me. "I-I'll onLy ta-take it oFf aRouNd y-you." I said quietly. He seemed to like my answer and wrapped his arms around my waist. 'He's so warm. I just want to stay like this forever.' I thought.

                  As we arrived at the cafeteria, we saw a bunch of other kids of all ages at the tables. A group of older looking boys came up to us, sporting sickening smirks. "Oh look! The freaks got a little girlfriend!" They laughed pushing Jason to the ground. I felt angry. 'Who do they think they are talking treating Jason like that! They'll regret it.' The supposed leader then turned to me. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Or are you just as retarded as the freak here?" That was the last straw. 'No one calls my friend those horrible names and gets away with it.' Feeling a rush of courage, I lunged at the boy and punched him in between his eyes, knocking him out almost instantly. I looked up to meet the terrified eyes of the other boys. I pointed to the knocked out one and then to the way of the cabins, all while practically staring into their souls. They seemed to take the memo and ran off, dragging their unconscious friend behind them.

                    I turned to Jason and began frantically looking to see if he was injured. 'I swear if he's hurt I'll do so much worse to those little-' my thoughts were interrupted by a giggle. I looked up to see Jason laughing at my behavior. "Calm down Y/N, I'm ok. They didn't hurt me. You sure did a number on that kids face though!" He giggled, me soon joining him. "Thanks for sticking up for me by the way. Let's go get some food" Jason said, helping me up with him. I grabbed his hand wanting to stay close to him just in case anything like that were to happen again. I was still practically shaking with anger from what that kid said about my Jason until I felt small circles being rubbed on the back of my hand. I looked up to face Jason as he was already looking at me. "Are you ok Y/N?" He asked, worry adorning his features. I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder.

_t i m e s k i p_

                "Y-your mOm cooks rEaLly yUmmy food." I said while taking my mask off since we had gotten back to the cabin. "Mhm! See? I told you it was good!" Jason said. "I t-thiNk I'm go-gonna gO to bed noW. I'm a l-little ti-tiRed." "Ok, goodnight Y/N!" Turning off the lights, Jason and I got in our separate beds. "goOdniGht" I said softly, falling into a deep sleep.


                     Little Y/N was only 8. They were at home coloring a beautiful picture for their mother. Oh if only they remembered to keep their mask on. Y/N's mother had been out drinking, leaving the poor child alone for hours on end. Unbeknownst to them, Y/N would soon find out how much their mother truly hated them.

               As Y/N's mother walked into the house, she was already pissed. The lights were still on in the living room and her daughter was still awake. She all but gracefully walked over to them and yelled "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL DOING UP? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE SO HARD TO WORK WITH? YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING AROUND THIS DAMN HOUSE!" The poor child was startled to say the least. They would have never expected their mother to lash out at them like that. And what had they done in the first place?

                Still semi confused, the little one lifted up the finished drawing and showed it to their mother. "Drew a piture for you mommy! Do you wike it?" They giggled. But their giggling was quickly interrupted by the picture being yanked out of their hands and into their mother's. "THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN DOING ANYTHING BUT THIS SHITTY THING YOU CALL ARTWORK! I SHOULD'VE NEVER HAD YOU! YOU'RE USELESS!"


        ........She hit them. Their mother, the one who they thought was supposed to love and cherish them just backhanded their own child's face.



          No matter how loudly the child cried, how loudly they begged for their mother to stop this torture, she wouldn't. She never would.

              I jumped up from my pillow covered in a blanket of cold sweat. I put my hand over my mouth to try and muffle my crying but it didn't seem to work because almost instantly I felt a presence beside me. "Y/N?! Are you ok!?" It was Jason. My Jason. I didn't speak, feeling like I would only burst into tears if I tried. Jason quickly scrambled up the ladder and onto my bunk. "There, there. It's going to be ok. I've got you Y/N." I buried my face in his chest as he held me. I began to sob as I relived the traumatic memory that haunts my mind. He began to run his fingers slowly through my hair and hum a quiet tune. I began to calm down, from being in his warm embrace. 'Please stay' I wrote on my notepad. Jason only nodded while stroking my hair and humming. I snuggled close to him feeling the safest I've ever felt. I knew that Jason would always be there to protect me, and I was thankful for that. Before I slipped into unconsciousness, I heard a faint "goodnight Y/N. I love you." And then darkness.

_t i m e s k i p_

                   I woke up, and the first thing I noticed was that Jason was gone. Quickly, I got up and put on proper clothes and walked outside to try and find him. After walking for a bit, I heard commotion by the lake. I began to walk faster, breaking into a sprint once I recognized someone screaming. 'JASON!' As I was running I saw the group of boys from last night holding Jason up by his hands and feet while he had a sack tied over his head. "Hope you know how to swim FREAK!" They laughed throwing him in the water. 'NO!' My thoughts racing back to our conversation we had yesterday. Jason can't swim. I dove into the water, searching for my friend but I couldn't find him anywhere. After about a minute of searching for him I needed to come up for air. He's gone. My only friend. The only person that cared for me is gone and it's all THEIR fault.

Kill them.

                                                                  Kill them all.

They deserve to die for what they have done.

                   Ripping off my mask and throwing it into the lake, i lunged at the first boy. 'He won't be laughing much longer' I thought. I pounced on top of him and bit into his neck, ripping a large chunk out and chewing it up. 'Human meat tastes so good! I NEED MORE' Throwing myself at the other boys, I bit off one of their arms. The last one, I jabbed my hand into his chest ripping his heart out. Taking a huge bite as blood spurted everywhere. The counselors and other children watching in pure fear. Oh how I loved the looks on their faces. But then I saw Pam run out of the cafeteria. Once she looked at me she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She didn't deserve this. She was kind, just like Jason. Guilt began to pick at my gut, seeing her horror stricken face. I ran into the woods dragging the body behind me. 'I have to hide. But first, mommy needs to be punished.'

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