get out Scott !!!

Start from the beginning

Sc:No , I don't need your help with my best friend , you don't know him I any ways so stop jumping on conclusion . Especially if they are dumb one.

Ly:Y-yes...I'm sorry...

Sc:You better be ! Now get out of here !

It's decided ! I'll go and spy on Stiles and Allison since no one is able to help me , I'll handle things into my own hands . I start to go up the stairs
And held my ear against Stiles door , with my werewolfs senses I could hear better then a human would but I still struggled which is weird...maybe the door is in special wood that Deaton made so it would protect Stiles . Oh well , it doesn't change the fact that I need to hear what's those two are talking about in there !

Despite my trouble hearing what they were saying , I could hear some parts of their conversation

St:I don't know wh...I'm definitely not over her that's im...

Al:Wh...ou mean ? From what you're telli...are totally over L...

St:I alr...ou I can't be !

Al:B...on't feel...ame then you ?

St:No , I don...ut it doesn't mea...ything !

Are they talking problems ? But the only girl Stiles ever loved is Lydia and today he seemed happy to see that she considered spending more time with him . Wait...if Stiles stopped "talking to me" like Lydia said , is it possible that Stiles has a secret lover ! But who would it be ? It can't be Allison since they are talking about it together , but who else could it be ?

Is she even in the pack ? Could it by any chances be Malia ? I mean she seems to hate him but maybe it's just an act so no one would suspect anything...but what's the point in hiding their relationship ? It's not like Malia is dating someone else and Stiles either , so there's not point in hiding it . Plus they're either really good at hiding it or they aren't dating at all , I've never caught any subtly eye contact or any body touch between them...

In the pack if it's not Allison or Malia then it leave us with...ERICA ! That actually make sense , I remember her saying that she had a crush on Stiles before she was bitten by Derek . She must have never lost her feelings for him and they ended up together because now she's prettier I guess he finally noticed her too .

I still can't believe it , Stiles has been dating Erica and never told me about it ! But wait...they...Stiles and Allison just talked about him loosing his feeling for the girl he Stiles and Erica has been dating but now he lost feelings for her ? Maybe he likes Lydia more...but...that doesn't explain why he's telling Allison about it and not me !

I was so angry ! I felt betrayed , Stiles was trusting someone else more then his own best friend , his own brother ! At the thought , I burst into the room and saw them siting on the bed . Their head shot up and turned their head to face me with shocked expressions on them .

St:Scott ! How long have you been here ? Wait...were you listening our conversation !

Sc:Of course I was , Stiles you're suppose to be my best friend ! I get it Allison is your " girl best friend " or whatever ! But your friends for like three weeks , and we are since forever !? How could you trust her more then me , when I do everything for you !

St:Scott ! If I'm not telling you things it's because you left me , and when I was all alone the only person who was there for me was Allison ! I refuse to tell you things because you hide things from me too , I didn't know if I could trust you anymore...and this prove once more that I , in fact can't...

Al:What the fuck Scott ! Why even were you listening !?

Sc:Because it's not normal that he tells you something that he doesn't tell me ! I know much more about him then you'll will and I'll never accept to be replaced like that ! I'm not going to stay still when I see my best friend being stolen away from me under my nose !

St:But I don't belong to you Scott...

Sc:What ? Of course you do !

Al:You wanted to know if we still had a chance together Scott ! Allison said Standing up from the bed

Sc:Yes but what does it have to do with all this ?

Al:Well the answer is no Scott !

Sc:W-what ? But y-you were willing to think about it !

Al:And I did !

Sc:But it was only 5 minutes ago...

Al:Well I made my decision the moment you decided that coming in this room and spying on us was the best idea ! Stiles is a person , he makes his own choices and if he don't want to talk to you there must be a reason and you need to respect it . How can you even think of calling yourself his best friend when you can't even respect his privacy ! How can I trust you if even your best friend can't ? I don't want to be just " Scott's girlfriend " I want to be " Allison Argent " , not just a puppet you own and play with until you get bored of me and throw me away . So no Scott , the answer is no !


Hey guys !!!!!! This is the end of this chapter , I hope you enjoy reading it 💕 , it has +2150 words in it , which is pretty long , I'm not going to lie I love when there's argument between them even if at the same time it hurts me because I feel like what I say is true in the show and that original Scott ( the one from the series ) will never know this because they never gotten into those real argument when they tell each other all they have on their hearts ( I feel like the only time it actually happened was when Stiles told Scott that some of them had to get their hands dirty and that some of them had to be humans , and I think  that's why this sentence was so powerful . Anyway I'm talking too much and nobody reads this anyways ! 😌👍 ) Thanks for the support , all your comments make me happy and encourage me to continue . Now all I have to say is...bye ! And see you in the next chapter ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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