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     Waking up as the night sky transformed to morning light Brinn openned her eyes and for a moment just stared up at the ceiling.  Yesterday had happened.  It wasnt a bad dream or nightmare but reality.  Papa G and Willis were gone and yesterday she'd cried hard over the loss.  One a friend and protective shaddow.  Papa G a  grandfather who'd accepted her for her. 

   Last night when Rip came to bed he'd held her and told her that they'd decided to still have the party.  As a celebration of life.  Truth she'd been mad but kept it to herself knowing he was tired and was sholdering enough.  Now with the shock worn off Brinn was glad they'd decided not to cancel.

   Peaking at the bedside clock Brinn quickly but carefully rolled herself out of bed.  Unable to shower meant a sponge bath in the sink and messy bun were the best she could do.  Leaving the bathroom she was startled to see a sleep rumpled Rip sitting up in bed.

   "Morning" he huskily murmered getting up to come over to her."How's the side?" he inquired lifting her fresh black tank top to check the bandage.

  "Sore but managable.  I've had worse " she answered not sure what else to say and it was the truth.  Reaching up she cuped his cheek hating the worry she saw in his eyes.
"I'll be okay.  Promise" she asured then pulled his lips down for a kiss.

  "If you still want it...."he quietly began stepping over to the dresser where a bag sat.  From it Ripper pulled out her old lady cut and a ring box.  She must have been silence for too long "It's okay if you need time..."he began but walking forward she took the cut.

   "I'll wear your cut Asher." she answered with a small smile as she watched the worry change to relief.  "The ring we save for later in front of everyone.  They need it" she explained then allowed him to help her into the cut. 

   Zipping her in Brinn couldnt help but chuckle when his eyes stayed locked on her cleavage.  "Down boy, afraid im not up for that just yet." she chuckled pulling him down for another kiss before stepping around him and heading for the door.

  "Little B, where are you going?"

   "Breakfast needs making and we have a celebration of life to get ready for" she stated then left so she wouldn't have to get into a fight over it.  She needed to stay busy.

   Finding both Cindy Lou and Sin already in the kitchen she gave both a side hug before jumping into help.  They kept it simple with scrambled eggs, pancakes and sausage.  Each quietly working until it was time to bring it out.

   "B dont make me slap you!" Sin growled when she went to lift the warmer tray heaped with pancakes.  Cindy Lou just let loose with a high sharp whistle that had four sweet butts quickly aprearing to take it out.

   "As the person who stitched you up lass im also tellin ya that there will be no heavy lifting.  Also from here on out as Queen B your off breakfast and lunch making.  Sweet Butts need to earn their keep.  Dinners are still your and the girls unless you all want a night off.  Then ya just tell me and Ill take care of it Hun.  Now go eat love" Cindy Lou ordered scooting them both out into the bar area where men were slowing wondering in for breakfast.

   "When did she get so bossy?" Brinn muttered before serving up her own plate and heading for an empty table.  Realizing she'd forgotten to grab a coffee she went to get up when a sweet butt apeared with a fresh cup.  Seeing the confused look on her face Sin started laughing just as Liz joined them. 

    "What I miss?" Liz questioned

     "Cindy Lou is schooling our girl on being the Queen B." Sin answered and after a second Liz laughed calling her Mama Ripper. 

     "It's respect love" Demon gently offered as he leaned down to kiss her cheek before joining them.  Wasnt long before Crispy wondered in and took a seat too.  When the pair shared a look Brinn knew they were working up to something.

     "Well the thing is....two MC Pincesses and one Queen in a place isn't going to be easy." Crispy began and after yesterday not a single one of them could argue. 

    "But not impossible either.  If your all intent on staying that is" Demon added then waited for them to all answer which was a unanimous yes.  "Guess were aproving the transfers" he shot at Crispy.

     Brinn had known Ripper put out to call for more brothers.  She was about to asking who was tranfering when she caught a side glimpse of Mase sneaking out of medical. Smacking Liz they were both watching when Cindy Lou came out of the kitchen and saw him.

   "What do you think your doing mister.  I know your mother, talked to her last night.  Assuring the poor women her son was going to be just fine.  Get your ass back into medical before I call and tattle on you" Cindy Lou hollered across the room pointing to medical as she charged over having all present laughing.

  "Mase is staying, so is Holiday.  I denied Rivers request though" Demon informed and Brinn understood where River was concerned.  Ripper would kill the man in a week. 


    Throughout the day he'd checked on her just to make sure she wasnt overdoing herself.  Meanwhile his old lady had sent a propect his way with a mile long honey do list.  With so many able bodies around they got it done. 

   Doing their manly job when the time came the grills were fired up and corn pot put over the outdoor burner.  More guests began trickling in as the morning passed into afternoon.  Yet it wasnt till shortly after 1 pm when the women joined them. 

   When everyone was present and the meal ready to go Ripper hunted down his women as Cindy Lou and the girls handed out shots.
Helping Brinn up onto a picnic table they raised a glass to their two fallen brothers.  Then he pulled out the ring box.

   "As you all can see this fine women has agreed to be my old lady and Queen of the Blood Wolves SC Chapter.  Now I also am proud to anounce she's also agreed to be my wife" he called out placing the ring on her fingure as the hoots rang out. After a very public deep kiss he called out "Let's Eat!"

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