Fort Knox

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     Ringing, stupid fucking anoying ringing woke her into a whole new hell. It almost kept beat with the pounding drum it her head.  Then came the chirp she sluggishly mentally connected as her phone notifying she had voice mail.  Light bulb moment, the ringing had been her phone.

     Knowing it had to be done at some point Brinn cracked one eye lid open a slice then mentally cheered.  She'd closed the blinds before getting trashed.  Yay her!  Oh thats a new level of pounding she thought as she fully openned her eyes.  Wait that wasnt her head, it was someone beating on her new back door.  Got it. 

   Problem was they were stopping and she felt like ass, which thus made her bitchy.  Rolling out of bed with a groan she got herself upright and mentally cheered again.  Next trick stairs!

    Stumbling down she almost made it to the door when her baby toe connected with the table leg.

    "Fuckincockmunchingshitsniffing..."she cursed but continued to the door.  Because some asshole was still pounding, and so was her head.  And whoever was on the other side of that door better be ready to fucking die.  "WHAT!!!!!"she growled swinging the door wide. "Fucking hell" she hissed closing her eyes as light hit her and her head nearly exploded.

    "I did call first" Ripper dryly offered before placing both hands on her sholders and guiding her back into the little kitchen then reclosing the door.  Yay not light. 

    "Dont you dare go out front" she ordered seeing him headed that way then pointed to the stairs leading to her apartment.  With a nod he silently changed directions leaving her to follow. Which hurt like a bitch.  Pretty sure she'd broken the littlest piggy on her right foot.

   "Rip, why are you hear?" she questioned then caught and corrected herself

    "Rip is fine.  And check you phone cause you odviously havent.  I got back last night to a worried old man, a pissed off red head and a call from you adoptive Demon daddy."  he ground out making himself at home as he made coffee then went to sit on her new couch. 

   "So instead of waiting for a call or text back you wake me up pounding on my door.  Fuck I'm to hung over for this.  Hold those answers big man" she muttered out tossing back to tylonal and heading the bathroom. 

    Peeing she stood in front of the sink to brush her teeth when she caught her reflection in the mirror.  EEEEK!  Ya sure dreads weren't the neatest looking but holy hell.  Brush first hair second.

   Twisting the mass of purple up as she went Brinn headed for the coffee maker next.  She needed her brain to function cause it just wasnt tracking.  Pouring a mug Brinn turned leaning back against the counter as she took her first sip.  Only then did she look to where the man sat no longer looking angry.  Wait was he amused by this.."Now you may answer" she murmered.

   "B its 3 in the afternoon.  I texted four times.  Called three times.  Knocked like a normal person once.  When I couldnt break in to make sure you were alive....I pounded"  he informed standing and aproaching.  His eyes didnt leave hers once as he came to box leaning in to rest his hands on the counter edge.  "Babe, you made this place fort knox, Im kinda impressed" he gently teased.

   "I needed to make it feel safe.  Also needed a couple days to adjust..."the confession slipped out but she didnt see pity in his eyes.  Nope those green eyes looked hungry.  The look had the lady in her shorts clenching and feeling happy thoughts.  Didnt help he'd called her B and Babe.  Those little pet names coming from him probably has a history of making puddles out of women. 

   "Understood but someone should have a spare key.  Just in case.  Dont care who but let me know who K." he ordered gently then leaning down placed a soft kiss on her lips.  And there went her brain again but by the time it clicked back online he'd already left.  Yep the man made puddles.

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