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   The tracker had been his call so he'd shown up prepared to take the heat.  The old man had been worried when they'd tested it this morning.  Yesterday when they'd briefly met he'd seen the steel Gator descirbed.  Unacceptable was his physical reaction to her.

   Normally Ripper was into the steriotypical tall blonds, long legs with big tits.  Brinn had none of the above.  The lady was five foot fuck all, petite build and the hair purple and grey dreads.  Boomer had descibed her to the guys last night as fun sized.  And fuck if that didnt play with his imagination.

   "She's gonna be pissed" Gator had grumbled before leaving and the fire had been there in her eyes. But while the mention of his ball smoothed it Ripper had scene something else in those big blue grey eyes of hers.  Something he shouldnt see on a women tied to the MC.  Shaddows of complete understanding.  What the fuck.

   "Crow and Willis are with you today.  Put em to work."  he informed before turning to get back on his bike and caught Gators look as he drove away.

    Four hours later at the clubhouse he was finishing up paperwork when he heard their guests arrive.  Door was closed but the new females voice was anything but soft.

   "Fuck you Kit.  Im a grown ass women for christ sakes" he heard before entering the bar area just in time to see the slender red head grab the mans ear and pull him down to her eye level. 

    "Fuck Lizzy, I know you're a fuckin women.  If you werent i would be laying you out right now"  A big red headed man ground out pulling away to rub his ear.

   Ripper would have laughed if it didnt hit that the red heads he watched bicker were the offspring of Demon.  Worse the realization that the women was now in his clubs care.  Bye bye balls he fucking throught as another man stepped into the room.  Fuck Demon sent his enforcer.

   "Rugger, show the lady to her room.  Kit, River come with me" he instructed his tone hard.  Demon wasnt the only one who had rumors flying and he saw the hesitation in both men before they followed.

  Closed in his office Ripper offered them both whiskeys.  Once handed out he sat and jumped right in.

  "One, how long are you staying? Two, were either of the girls invovled in what happened a couple years back?"  he shot the questions out and didnt need a verbal response to question two after seeing the look they exchanged.  Fucking hell.  New question, did Gator know Ripper wondered.

  "We're here two days.  And all I can say is yes my sister was one of the taken.  Scar on her cheek gives it away.  Sorry, thats all i can say." Kit was the one to answer but by the look in River's eyes he wasnt happy about the gag order.

   "If you got a tech guy, wire the new shop up for Brinn.  She'll probably replace all the doors and locks herself...."River offered up while kit cursed. "I never said a word" he ground out meeting both men with a glar before storming out.

   "Anyhting else?" Kit questioned when the silence seemed to stretch.

   "Nope.  Party Time.  May as well enjoy my last fucking days in this world" he ground out causing Kit to laugh as they headed out to the bar. 

  "Man I feel ya.  Ive been those twos guard dog since.  Ive never been sure if I'd keep mine if anything happened again to those two" he chuckled

  Fuck i need more booze.


   sorry its short.  Majority of this will be told from Brinn's POV with slices if Rippers POV.  Will mark the change in the draft so its clear.   But given the main toppic was Rippers nuts I figured it should be his POV.  hope your enjoying so far.  yes my spelling sucks in places.  Ill fix it when I proof and edit after.




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