Hard Headed Women

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        It had been a fucked day and Ripper knew he'd taken his mood out on Brinn.  Later tonight when they were alone he'd explain it to her.  He just needed time to process that word had got out about the girls. Rip needed a plan before he sat her down and explain it.

     "Yo boss, um Willis is freakin out. The girls just took off but i sent Boomer, Crow and the girls brothers to bring em back " Switch anounced from the door way and had his temper hitting it's fuckin peak.

   "  What do you mean they took off! Get them back here now." He yelled and ya he knew it wasnt the dudes fault but fuck.  They were three women surrounded by how many men.  And they just left and drove away. 

    "on it" switch called already taking off knowing Ripper well enough that staying would only make him a target. 

    Three hours later Ripper was still seething mad as he tossed back drinks.  If one more asshole asked why the girls had left before making dinner some one was going down. 

   None of them were answer his calls and of corse she's locked herself up out of reach.  Sin had talked to her brothers but only to tell them to stay the fuck out unless they wanted to be shot.  If he'd just explained it she couldnt have taken off.  That there though is what he now brooded over.

   With no other choice Ripper assigned a guard detail for the night and ordered pizza for the guys.  It was as he now looked around he realized the clubhouse was a sausage fest tonight.  Not a single sweet butt, sheep or old lady in sight.  After two weeks of seeing half dressed women lingering 24/7 it was odvious the guys weren't happy about it either.

   "Ah yes you can thank my mother for it.  While she taught the girls duty she also shared the petty streek that my dad has suffered more than once." Kit chuckled sitting down beside Ripper and they were soon joined by Switch and Smoke.

   "Fuck our Prez's old lady and my mom have pulled simular shit.  Wont outright show disrespect when they are pissed.  They just get creative in how they get us back." Smoke offered which made him feel a little better.  

   Crispy and Demon were seriously scary mother fuckers.  Yet they too had felt the rath of their women.  But man could she not have waited till he cooled down.  Nope she took off and put herself in danger doing it.

   "Okay, so how long should I expect this to last.  Because shit is headed our way and those three are the main target.  I'm not letting anything else happen to my women.  She can be pissed all she wants, but pissed off here." he ground out knowing both men would get where he was coming from.

   "Just be glad your old lady is hold up in Fort Ink.  No ones getting in there.  And if they do I know for a fact those ladies are armed and dangerous."  Kit offered but honestly nothing was going to work.

  So instead Ripper allowed the guys to get him fucking recked then he crawled up to his empty bed.  Tomorrow he's put his women in her place.  And it was fuckin in bed beside him.


   Waiting till the girls were passed out Liz made coffee then took it outback where her brother Mase sat on watch.

   "Just like home eh" she teased sitting down beside him on the back stairs.

    "Yep, she even called off the ladies for the night.  Classic mom move.  By tomorrow night the brothers will be crawling up Rippers ass to apologize" Mase chuckled then sipped the coffee she'd brought him.

   For awhile the siblings sat in silence til Lizbet stood only slightly tipsy after their girls night. 

    "Just a heads up, this may last a couple days.  She's canceling clients in the morning for atleast tomorrow." she warned knowing he'd catch on.

   The South Carolina chapter had got use too not having old ladies around.  While clubs liked to portray that the women had no power.  Truth was they held a great deal of power.  These guys just needed to relearn it.  Fuck it was going to be amusing to watch.

Note:  a filler chapter sorry all.  Please comment and let me know what you think so far. 

Trouble is brewing while the ladies make a stand.  When it arrives will they be ready

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