Little Shop of Renos

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With the help of the propects Avery and Willis the walls up and down were washed and painted. Having decided for now to only do one closed in private space Brinn had also got the walls up and drywalled. She'd even got up the first coat of mudd which meant tomorrow morning she could possibly have it sanded and painted with primer.

"Thanks guys for the help today" Brinn thanked each as they left for the evening. While both had worked their asses off she wasnt sure Willis was going to make it to a patch.

Under Moss she'd learned to tattoo but also she'd got her first incites to MC life. Club life was so far removed from how she'd been raised. It was messy and loud. Harsh and pushed a persons comfort zone. But it wasnt till she'd become friends with Lizbet that she'd trully scene it wasnt all parties and hot guys on motorbikes.

Shaking off where her mind was wondering Brinn began taping up newspaper on the windows. Not for suspence or surprise but because bar customers were stopping to watch her and it was crrping her out.

With nothing better to do she started to start working on the floors. It was idiot proof peel and stick. Sure shed have to tarp it till everythin was done. But it would be another item checked off her very long list.
Putting on music to drown out the bar noise Brinn worked until the last piece was down. Only then did she crawl up to her air mattress upstair and crash.

Gasping Brinn shot awake as her dream chased her out of sleep. Then came the nausea that always followed and had her dashing for the bathroom. Thankfully shed scrubbed it the day before and curled on the floor till the shaking settled. Fuck it had been months since she'd had a dream about...

Jumping up Brinn started the shower then went to grab clothes and a towel before jumping in. Move forward, not back she reminded herself as she got washed then dressed. Then because she couldnt take the silence Brinn grabbed her purse and headed out. Today shed made the shop and apartment secure and the dream wouldnt come again.

Checking her phone as she walked into Homedepot Lizbet's message help banish the rest of her unease.

Thing One: Hey Bitch, boarding in an hour. Heads up, dads sending Kit and River with me. Lov ya

Brinn: Well Fuck! Tell security they are smuggling coke rectally for me lol See ya this afternoon

Kit was Lizbet's older brother and River the SF's enforcer and Brinn's ex. They'd been hot and heavy a couple years back before things went to shit. After she just couldn't and taken a step back from the club for a bit. He's moved of quick. But leading up to leaving he'd got weird and overly protective. Kit was just kit and treated her like Liz which meant tonight would be interesting.

Two full carts later Brinn walked out to see Papa G and Willis waiting at her truck. Stopping dead in her tracks she watched two more bikes pull up. Well shit. She didnt even have to ask how they'd tracked her. They'd lowjacked her truck. Demon had done the same back in SF. Didnt mean shed been happy about it.

"Don't say a word. i get it, i do. Doesnt mean i have to fucking like it" she ground out as Willis kept his mouth shut and took one of her carts and started loading.

"Morning Little B" Papa G gentled with a side hug as Ripper stepped forward with another huge guy who looked like a fuckin gift to women kind. Seriously what was in the beer here.

"This is Crow" Ripper ground out thumbing towards new guy but his eyes looked at her a little to close. " Demon will have my balls if anything happens to his girls. So low jacked. Got a problem with that?" he questioned cooly and it settled the last little bit of mad out of her. in fact it made her laugh.

"Whats so funny?"Crow questioned

"Guess you've never met Demon. Ripper has good reason to worry about his boys. Its the mans specialty" Brinn answered and saw the guy go a little white before she turned to check on the prospect. Brinn had seen it first hand how Demon did his thing.

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