⠀⠀⤷ abilities and tools

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* Some of these are taken from the Percy Jackson Wiki

* Some of these are taken from the Percy Jackson Wiki

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━ Esmerelda is far stronger than any human due to being a demigod. She is able to throw, punch, and kick grown men around to far distances and break through hard surfaces that mortals would hurt themselves attempting to break.

━ Esmerelda is far faster than any human and possesses greater swiftness. Her reflexes are the same, granting her tremendous reaction-time that would even put a professional athlete to shame. Even as a fresh new camper at Camp Half-Blood she was fast, able to run several miles for a short amount of times (though she wasn't anywhere near as fast as the children of Hermes).

━ Esmerelda possesses agility, equilibrium, and bodily coordination that are far greater than that of humans. She has great acrobatic prowess and maneuverability helping her in the midst of battle. She can move, jump very high, flip, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. This also makes her highly-evasive, capable of maneuvering from complex detriments and attacks.

━ Esmerelda possesses much greater durability, resilience, and constitution compared to human beings. Therefore, she is capable of withstanding and shrugging off blows that would otherwise leave a human dead and/or severely injured if lucky. Though while immensely resilient, she is not invincible and can still be killed if not careful.

━ Esmerelda can endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of the greatest humans, allowing her to operate efficiently for extended amounts of time, even if she is weakened or exhausted. This also grants her a vast threshold for pain, and is able to maintain consciousness from injuries that are usually too much for a mortal to endure or take.

━ Esmerelda possess great vitality, and can heal inflicted damage far faster and more efficiently than ordinary humans. She can recover from wounds with more finality and sustain far greater damage than humans, allowing her to survive some situations that mortals can't. Small injuries like cuts and scratches heal in seconds while larger injuries like a broken bone or a stab wound would take a few days to heal with proper assistance. Ambrosia and Nectar are capable of augmenting her natural healing rate to abnormal levels.

━ Esmerelda's five senses (hearing, smelling, sight, etc) are greatly increased. This grants her an exceptionally better sense of her surroundings, and she is able to pick up minuscule hints and details that would usually be overlooked or outright imperceptible by the sensory range of ordinary mortals. She usually react swiftly to any hint of the supernatural (monsters and etc) or danger. Unfortunately, this mostly just works with actual threats. For example, assassination attempts on her life won't be noticed by her unless the assassin is actually good at their job.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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