There were so many bookshelves, she wondered if he read or if they were just there for decoration though she agreed more with the second option. The wooden floors were so glossy going into a diagonal pattern. There were plants on the side of the end of the hall as decoration.

She found the kitchen and that is where she squealed. It felt like home. The white wooden cabinets, the island. Everything were so pretty, it were even a Tv in the dining room even there was one across from the dining room in the living room. She walked in another room, seeing the huge queen sized bed. It wasn't as big so she assumed it weren't the master's, but it were beautiful. Almost every room in the house had some kind of framed painting on the wall. The bathrooms were definitely not what she expected. She wasn't used to the bowl type of sinks.

Then there was a long hall with nothing but book shelves and carpets going down. There were too many rooms to count but she weren't even surprised when she saw two offices. She stepped outside and squealed, seeing the pool.

She went downstairs after covering not even half of the house yet, her excitement was too much and she wanted to relax. She took her shoes and socks off, sticking her feet in the pool caring less that the bottom of her pants were getting wet since she were too lazy to roll them up. She really wished that she was on vacation. Everything was beautiful in Italy. The houses, clothes, jewelry, they lived in luxury. But it wasn't a vacation, it was a job she were pressured to succeed.

She heard his footsteps and she didn't turn to him as she asked the question she were perturbed by, "What if I can't do it?" She asked and then she turned around to meet his eyes. "What if I fail?" She sighed.

He knew she wouldn't have liked his answer, but it was truthful, "Then I have no use for you"

"And you would let me go home?" She questioned and he shook his head with his arms folded. "Tesoro, if you didn't succeed that also meant he could not be fooled" He said, her not understanding. "In other words he would have killed you" Then she understood.

"And you would let him?" She expected him to say no, maybe they weren't that close, but he couldn't deny there wasn't something there. He stared at the water, his mind stuck on her question. Truthfully he doesn't want her to fail, he doesn't want her to die but that's because of his attachment towards her. And that's just him. Not a Don, just Luciano. "The goal is to not reveal my plan. Anything connected to my business. Including you" He answered truthfully and she turned away, her heard shattering a little. Of course he wouldn't care. She shook her head, so sad for herself.

"I don't know how relationship work here or any sexual relationship you have, but you don't just play with someone's feelings and then toss them aside to be killed" She voiced and he felt a little offended by that. "I know. And that's not what I'm doing"

She got up, standing up to him, though she had to look up and he had to look down.
"Really?" She said as if he said the stupidest, ignorant thing ever. "Because all I've gotten from you was mixed signals. Emotional and physical. If you want me to be your pawn so be it but keep my feelings out of it" She said angered and his head tilted.

"I recall you coming on to me today" He pointed out, only being truthful. And she didn't like it. "And you come on to me any other day you decide. I'm not a girl you come to when you feel like it"

" I asked you before what are you asking of me, and you deflected." He also pointed out only angering her more by how calm he was, and how angered she was showing only one of them cared. " Do I have to fucking spell it out for you?! I have feelings for you!" She hollered and pushed him.

" All I am is a game to you. A fucking sex doll or something. Used for your pleasure." He decided to let her pushing him go, because she was emotional. " Why am I here?!" She yelled, outraged that he didn't respond, just stared at her. How could he be so calm?
He moved around her, "Have you played chess before?" He questioned and she huffed turning around to face him.

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