Chapter 83 - Talking With Tom.

Start from the beginning

Chloe made her way to the office "is he in there?" Joyce nodded "you can't go in there" Chloe rolled her eyes "just try and stop me" Chloe barged into the office "problem Chloe?" Chloe looked at him just as Chris walked in "do you regret Aubree?" Max frowned "what?" Chloe rolled her eyes "do you think Aubree was a mistake?" "No, why?" Chloe sighed "he said that you regret her" Max looked at Chris "why say that to her?" Chris glared at Max "come off it Max, we both know you were using Chloe to get at Rachel" Max sighed "at first" Chloe scoffed "you used me?" Max saw the tears in her eyes "Chloe" Chloe shook her head "no. The both of you, stay away from me" Chloe turned and left the office.

Charlotte was walking to the common room when Chloe came past her looking upset "Chloe?" Charlotte went after her and followed her into the bathroom "Chloe, what's happened?" Chloe looked at Charlotte "Max was using me too get at my mum" Charlotte was shocked "why?" Chloe shrugged "he wanted her gone from the school and I was the best way to make that happen, he didn't count on me getting pregnant by him" Charlotte sighed "Chloe I'm sorry" Chloe was crying again "I thought he loved me, he said he did, why would he lie to me like that?" Charlotte pulled Chloe into a hug "its gonna be alright" Chloe broke down crying "I love him though" Charlotte held Chloe as she cried.

Chloe eventually calmed down and made her way to Science with Charlotte. When they got there Chloe saw Chris standing at the door "Chloe, can I have a word?" Chloe scoffed "no" Charlotte looked at Chris and smiled as she walked into the lesson and sat with Chloe "how come you're not wanting to speak with him?" Chloe sighed "its all his fault" Charlotte frowned "how?" Chloe looked at her "he said Max regretted Aubree so I went to ask him and Chris said that Max was using me" Charlotte again hugged Chloe "look I promise that everything is gonna be alright".

Once school was over Chloe went to get Aubree from the creche and saw Max standing there "didn't you get the message? Stay away" Max sighed "Chloe listen" Chloe scoffed and walked into the creche "come on baba, let's go home" Max took hold of Chloe's arm "get off me" Chloe got Max's hand off her and walked to her mum's car "everything alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah, can we just go home?" Rachel sighed "fine, get in".

Charlotte made her way to Michael's and sighed she was trying to get over Tom. Arriving she walked up the path and knocked the door "hello Charlotte" Charlotte smiled "thanks for offering to help with this" Michael smiled "no problem, I know how hard it can be" Charlotte sighed "Chloe's been upset today" Michael frowned "why?" Charrlotte looked at him "something to do with Max" Michael nodded "is she alright?" Charlotte nodded "she will be".

Chloe looked at her phone and saw 15 missed calls from Max but she didn't care, she didn't want to speak to him again "Mum can you watch Aubs? I'm popping out somewhere" Rachel nodded "okay. Don't be too long" Chloe smiled "I won't". Chloe arrived at Tom's and knocked the door "Chloe? What are you doing here? Chlo's not in" Chloe sighed "its you I've come to see" Tom frowned "me? Why?" Chloe rolled her eyes "the way you're acting with Charlotte" Tom sighed "come in" Chloe walked into the house "take a seat". When Tom had given Chloe a drink she spoke "Charlotte loves you, its blatantly obvious and you're treating her like this? One minute you want her, the next you're being cold with her. Its messing her head up" Tom sighed "Chloe, has she sent you round here on her behalf?" Chloe rolled her eyes "she doesn't know I'm here, but I'm being serious, you either love her or you don't. Just stop messing with her head" Chloe left the house and saw Max's car so she walked over to him "what? You following me now?" "Get in" Chloe shook her head "no thanks" Max sighed "Chloe" Chloe glared "leave me alone, you used me. I thought you loved me?" "I do" Chloe scoffed "funny way of showing it. Leave me alone now" Chloe walked off leaving Max there determined to make it up to her.

Charlotte was still at Michael's and it was getting late "I should go" Michael smiled "yeah" Charlotte looked at him and kissed him "thanks for helping" Michael kissed her back and took her upstairs where they began undressing eachother while kissing. 2hours later Charlotte and Michael lay in bed "that shouldn't have happened" Charlotte nodded "I know, you're my best friends uncle, she's gonna hate me" Michael sighed "then we don't tell anyone" Charlotte smiled "okay, I meant it though, thanks for helping with the essay" "no problem" Charlotte got dressed and got a taxi back home where she went to bed and fell asleep.

Chloe went home and took Aubree from her mum "Chloe is everything alright?" Chloe nodded "never better, night" Rachel smiled "night love" Chloe walked upstairs and got Aubree settled before climbing into bed and just as she was about to fall asleep her phone went off signalling a text message, looking she saw it was Chlo -

*Chlo - I saw u looking upset. Is everything alright? X

*Chloe - yeah, everything is okay. How's Sophia? X

*Chlo - she's great! Being a right diva x

*Chloe - ha. I'm off too sleep. Not very well x

*Chlo - night x

Chloe didn't reply, instead she turned her phone off and fell asleep with tears in her eyes wishing she didn't love Max but she knew she did and probably always would.


A/N - This Chapter Is Dedicated Too - StrangeDesires.

Hopefully Another Update Tonight.

I'm Having Trouble Thinking Of A Name For The Sequel. Haa! XD

Anyways Hope You Liked

Bye For Now xoxo

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