Tanjiro's Final Transformation (5)

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Uzui wifes had arrive to the house that Uzui was renting for the mission when they arrive late that night. They were meet with a surprise of a very pretty boy with long beautiful hair and blood red eyes that shine like rubies. The bamboo tube only seem to enchanted his beauty.

"There are my beautiful wifes, how was the trip?" Uzui said giving them kisses and hugs. " Our trip was fine but who is this staying with you?" One of his wifes asked. " Oh remember the demon who doesn't hurt humans? This is him in the flesh" Uzui said pointing to Tanjiro.

The wife's turn to look at Tanjiro sliding around the floor on his back. What strange behavior for a demon to have but he had not attack them when they came in. The three wifes slowly approach the demon. Tanjiro only look at them, blink and continue to slide on the floor.

Soon the wifes surrounded Tanjiro and began to examine him with care. Tanjiro didn't seem to mind as he stop moving so they can examine him but instead began to swing his feet in the air. The wifes has came to conclusion, he was adorable and must be protected at all cost.

Soon Uzui found he was old news and his wifes were making decisions on who gets to hang out with Tanjiro at different time of the day. Tanjiro not seem to mind the chatter continued his leg swinging.

Soon the wifes had place Tanjiro in a room and cover windows with thick blankets so the sunlight won't get in. The tuck Tanjiro in and told him if he wanted to be healthy demon, he must get eight hours of sleep and eat no demons.

Tanjiro nodded and soon was left alone in a room before going back to sleep. The wifes were excited that they have finally meet the demon and how cute he was. Uzui felt left out but glad that the wifes like him already.

Uzui gathered the wifes and told him the plan to catch the demon and how it was already underway at this moment. The wifes nodded as they listen to the plan but ask why were they here. Uzui said he wanted his wifes with him because this might be his days.

The wifes were touch by Uzui words and told them that they love him too.

🤠💖Time skip to a week ahead 💖🤠

The trio was making some serious cash as people were attracted to their beauty. Daki was very please with the trio as money was coming in but Daki felt something bad would happen. Daki was right about the feeling.

A bunch of the women that work for her was tired of her and plan to kill her this week on Wednesday, two days away from now. The trio had no idea of this plans what so ever. So they continue to work work until Wednesday evening.

Business was unusual good and the trio had to work until nightfall before they had their break. As the trio clean up and close the place with the other women before they left for their share room.

They pass a bunch of very unhappy lady heading towards their boss room. The trio continue to head towards the room and enter. They lock the door , took off their makeup and refresh themselves.

🤡With the poor ladies 🤠

The "mod" of ladies enter Daki room with not so happy faces. Daki face them with disgust and anger on her face. "How dare you come into my room without my permission" Daki said angrily. "We are tired of you and that man of yours treating us like crap just because we're not pretty as you." One of the ladies spoke up.

Daki was furious at what she was hearing and the Yingle wasn't making better with his presence. Ever since they became a secret uppermoon, they were cocky and Daki didn't like them at all. Her brother didn't bother showing himself when Yingle was around.

The mod of lady soon took out items such as pots and pans thinking that they mere humans, how wrong they were. Daki keep herself cool to not let herself be discover as a demon but Yingle had other plans.

They threw the face covering from his face and dash towards the mod. Screams fill the face as women dash out, running for their life's as they discovered that the man was demon. Daki didn't blew her cover but pretend to be frightened as she ran from the scene.

Soon the trio were alert by screams and heard footsteps all over the place. Nezuko slip into her demon slayer uniform before heading out follow by Zentisu and Inosuke with their blades. Nezuko grab a panicking lady and ask her what was happening.

The lady was shaking and the only thing she mutter was demon as she point towards their boss room. The trio ran towards Daki room to find Yingle face first in a woman's body as body litter the room.

Soon Yingle raise his head, they looked like a savage with a bloody face. Outside soon was fill with scared and panicking people as Yingle smile at them. "Nice to see you again" Yingle said as they smile at the trio.

The trio ready themselves for a fight that will either bring victory or defeat as Yingle stop smiling and jump through the window and climbing to the roof. 

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