Tanjiro's Final Transformation (3)

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Nezuko awoken to sound of people walking and talking, she push her sheet aside before getting up and going to wash room to clean up and get ready for today. She didn't like the fact that she must leave Tanjiro alone for a couple days but she had too.

✨💖Nezuko pov💖✨

Uzui had left us our clothes to get into and he will do our make up. My kimono was pink with blue little lines creating star patterns. My kimono was finished by a yellow cloth wrap around and creating a bow. I liked the kimono and was going to thank Uzui for picking such a pretty one.

I quickly took a shower/bath before getting dress for the day 1 of the mission. After getting my kimono on, I tied my hair into a bun and let my bangs fall. I smile as I look at my reflection in a bucket of water, I look nice (Kanao would disagree, she would say Nezuko look like goddess who fight evil with her godly brother) I said to myself.

I entered my room and went towards Tanjiro's box before squatting down and knocking on his door. Getting up and making space, Tanjiro pop his head out and look towards his beloved sister. Thankfully I didn't uncover the window.

"Tanjiro, I will be away for a while and Zentisu and Inosuke will join me. Uzui would be taking care of you until we come back, do you understand?" I spoke to Tanjiro and was answered with a nod.

I smile before patting him and gesturit him to go back in his box. After Tanjiro was in his box, I pick his box before leaving my room. I saw Inosuke and Zentisu were already dress up and had their hair and makeup done already. Inosuke was currently making fun of Zentisu and boasting about how better looking he is.

Zentisu was arguing back at how a pig could never look beautiful in makeup which only fuel the flame as the two went on their insulting battle, reminds me of Yushiro and wind pillar. I place Tanjiro box in a corner and move towards Uzui who was waiting for me.

I sat on the ground as Uzui went to work on my hair, it was easy for him since I just wash my hair. Soon my hair was beautifully style and Uzui move a front of me and apply the makeup before adding lipstick.

🤡🥴Third pov 🥴🤡

Uzui was amazed at how the makeup multiple Nezuko's beauty, she was a beautiful gem. Nezuko open her eyes and it shone beautiful in the sunlight, plus her legendary smile of hers. She was eye candy.

"How do I look Uzui? Inosuke? Zentisu?", Nezuko ask curiously.

Inosuke and Zentisu stop fighting and look towards at what they thought was a real life goddess who sat infront of them. The sunlight gave Nezuko a godly look, she was definitely going to get accepted but how about them.

"You three are ready to go, I will point out the place and it's all up to you. I show you what to do to alert me and I will come quickly. I already told you about my wife's being here, so just be careful. " Uzui said.

The three nodded before leaving but Nezuko stop beside Uzui and said in a eerie tone. "You better take care of Tanjiro or your wifes will be widowers when I catch you", Nezuko said before leaving. Their clothes for the mission and swords were pack in bags and they left through the back door.

Silently going through the empty alley and into the streets, the beautiful trio walked down towards their destination. Eyes were all over them but they kept their head high before entering the place. Zentisu was scared but he didn't show it. The place was almost empty with only a few customers.

Nezuko walk towards one the female worker and said,"May me and my sisters work here, we're new here and would like to have a job." The female worker look the trio over quickly before gesturing them to follow her.

As the trio enter a huge room where a stunning lady sat and beside was a male. The lady sat on a huge cushion and she seem agitated by our appearance. "My lady, sorry to bother but these fine lady would like to join us.", the female worker said quickly bowing.

She look over the trio before a smile appear on her face. These little ladies look very attractive which means more money and business. "You three are hired and in the next shift I expected you three on that shift. Four times a week you will work and a room will be prepared for you try. I hope you enjoy your stay here." She spoke with delighted.

The group bower before the lady quickly gesturenus out room and down the hall were they meet stairs. They climb up the stairs and we're meet with a series of doors. They were lead to a room which was very spacious and had a veranda. The room look expensive and to die for.

"Why such a fancy room for just us three?", Zentisu asked. The lady answered with "The lady took a liking to you three right away which is very rare, plus your bags were already move into this room. Enjoy your stay and I will bring your schedule soon."

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