Moving Day

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Finally its moving day! I have been excited for this for months. 3 months ago, I surprised my friends : Ze, Smarty, and GaLm with this trip. I told them that we are all moving to a new town called "Salem". Which is awesome! We are all going to live in one town together. No more stupid planes. And no more airports losing my luggage! You have no idea how many times that has happened. Turns out a lot of my other friends are moving there too. What a coincidence.

"So are you guys excited? In an hour we'll be in our new home!" I said excitedly.

"Sure, I guess.." Ze murmured.

"C'mon dude. We're moving! You should be a little happy." I said to Ze.

"I am happy, I'm just not into moving. It takes a lot out of you." he said to me

"Same here, I've been up since 5 am! I am about to fall over!" exclaimed Smarty.

"I know, but once we get there,you guys can get to your houses and sleep all you like." I told them.

"I just hope my house has a big bedroom." said GaLm.

"Okay, I was not expecting this.." I said.

The town was really old fashioned. The houses had thatched roofs. Some were made of bricks. And some looked like mini castles. I'm not saying this in a nice way. Just to add to the old timey-ness, the town is in a circle!

"Welcome to Salem, boys!!" I heard behind me. I turn my head to see Markiplier. 

"Mark?" I blurted. 

"Hello boys! Welcome to the town! It's great to have you here" 

Okay, so I was not expecting Mark to be here. Especially now that I have seen the town.

"Um, I know this is a stupid question...but why are you here?" I asked. 

"Well, I am the mayor of this lovely town!"

"Mayor!?" Smarty exclaimed!

Mayor?? Mark was the mayor of this town! What the absolute fuck? 

"So anyway. This is Salem??" asked Ze

"Yep! Isn't it lovely!" Mark said happily, almost too happily..

"Sure..but-" said Ze.

"We'd love to stay and chat.."I butted in "..but we've got to get to our houses..See'ya mark!" I told him hastily.

Something wasn't right. Mark seemed really weird! Like really really weird. Mark's weirdness aside. I have to find my house. When walking, the others had walked away from me to greet some other friends and to go find their houses. It couldn't be that hard. This town is crazily small. Nothing like I thought It would be.

"Ah here we go.." I said as I twist the door knob to my house. At least I got one of the cool looking castle houses. 

"This isn't so bad....It's small, but it's cozy." 

I began to unpack my things. As I was walking to my room I see something in the corner of my eye.I put the box I was carrying down on the floor,and walk to the back of the living room. There was a old dresser with a weird knife holder that was holding.......well a knife. I picked up the knife and felt a strange sense of uneasiness run through my body. 

I sat it back in it's holder. I didn't like holding it, which was strange. I have held tons of knives in the past. So why did this one make me feel weird? Whatever, this entire day had been weird. I just want to sleep.

I head for the couch, because I haven't put my bed together yet. I lie down and attempt to take a nap. As soon as I close my eyes I am jolted back awake to the sound of someone whispering in my ear.

"Wake up!!" the voice whispered.

"I wasn't even asleep yet!!....Wait, who are you!!??" I exclaimed. In front of me was this tiny little black smog that had little horns poking out of the top of what I'm guessing is his head.

"What the fuck!?" I scream and swat at the smog. My hand goes right through it, but doesn't move it. It must not be real, because smog would have moved with my hand like smoke.

"You know what you must do.." the smog whispered.

"What do you mean!?" just as I said that, a steak of light jumped off of the metal of the knife. Before I could question anything. The smog engulfed my face. My mind blurred. Thoughts formed together. What was happening!!?

The smog disappeared. I didn't think about it. Only on thing was on my mind. 

I need to kill...

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