"We need to talk," Soriano said addressing everybody. Reece and Payton shot him dark looks while Jett sat on the couch next to Michelle. Paige stood next to her with her arms folded.

"Okay chief. Let's talk. But about? The fact that you've kept the biggest damn secret from us?! Or the fact that our people had to die because Jackson is hunting us by attacking every automobile shop that is associated with the Night Blazers?!" Paige asked, her voice rising with each word.

"Yeah, chief. How could you not tell us about Kromer being alive?" Jett asked. Michelle noticed his hands were knitted tightly together as though trying to control his emotions.

"I was wondering the same thing. How did Kromer even survive all these years? Did you see him?" Reece asked.

"He's alive and yes, he survived," Soriano said in a toneless voice. "I couldn't tell you all about it because I had to protect you. I couldn't let what happened to our other allies happen to you. I knew none of you would sit still if you knew. Especially Brook."

"But instead of trusting us with this, you go after him yourself, get beat up, and still act like you're fit to run this crew!" Payton said in anger. "Face it chief. You don't trust us."

"You know damn well I do!" Soriano snapped. "I will not lose another one of you to them even if it means getting revenge! If I have to die protecting you, I will!"

"Let's just all calm down and think about this rationally," Leslie called her voice calm but firm. She brought a tray of coffee and set it on the table. Everyone took a cup.

"Brook is proof of what you all want to do. You might have stopped him now but I won't risk any of you going after Kromer or Jackson by yourselves. It's too dangerous." Soriano said.

"If we don't fight the war, who will?" Michelle asked quietly.

"It's not time to fight yet! We need a better standing. We need –"

"We need to do something before Jackson kills more people to draw us out!" Payton shouted, interrupting Soriano. "And with Kromer back, who knows what large-scale destruction they can plan without breaking a sweat!"

"Kromer can't do anything," Soriano said. Paige narrowed her eyes at the chief.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Kromer is in no state to even speak," Soriano said. Everybody stared hard at him. He sighed.

"There's reason Jackson wanted the Koenigsegg is to get an easy two million in cash. The Inferno Ghosts don't have that at the moment and don't have a better way of making it."

"So what's the reason?" Reece asked.

"Kromer is in critical condition," Soriano said. "He is bedridden and needs several surgeries if he has a chance to live. One of them being a heart transplant."

"So he wanted two million to pay for surgery?" Jett asked.

"Surgeries. He also has several other issues."

"So how did he survive all these years?" Payton asked.

"Jackson didn't sit back and do nothing; why do you think he revived the Inferno Ghosts? But Kromer's damage from eighteen years ago was a lot to deal with. It's implausible that he's even alive. But Jackson kept him alive. Up till now. But Kromer was on the verge of death. Eventually, when things grow worse, you become more desperate. Kromer's condition became so bad he needed a heart transplant if he wanted to buy a few more years."

"And a heart transplant costs almost two million," Michelle said looking up.

"Yes," Soriano said, turning to her.

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