Diner and a movie.

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We sit in my room telling of old memories and hardships. "When I was two I went to my cousin Presley's house and she shoved me down the stairs! I broke my shin!" I laugh and show him my scar. He smiles and asks "You hungry?" As if on cue my stomach growls. He laughs and walks downstairs toward the kitchen. Jeez Diana! You barely know him and he's spent the night and took away your mouth virginity! My subconscious says. She does have a point but he seems trustworthy. When I go downstairs he's looking through the kitchen for more spices and ingredients. I sit on a bar stool and watch him cook. He looks at ease when he cooks. I start smiling like an idiot and he smiles back. "What's so funny?" He says smirking a bit. "Well according to every novel and movie, the women should be cooking for the man!" And with that he bursts into laughter. "I enjoy cooking, and I'm good at it. So why not do it whenever possible." I smile and say "My mom and I are horrible cooks, I am because I just try to hard and my moms never needed to the hotels feed her.. She's gone a lot! That's why my dad left her in the first place." I flush and look away
30 minutes later we are sitting at the dinning table once again. the food is exquisite, the chicken is tender and juicy with the right amount of spice. "This is so amazing!" I look at him and add "you can cook for me any day!" He laughs and replies "Just call me over! I am at your service mistress!" I laugh even harder.
After dinner we wash our plates and put away the extra food. "How about a movie?" I ask when we were thinking of what to do. He smiles his lopsided goofy, boyish grin and nods his head. We decide on the classic thriller Sinister. I lay on one side of the couch and he's on the other side.
I start to get scared so I duck my head under the blanket. He laughs and moves over and lifts his blanket. I scramble out of my spot and slid in next to him. He kisses my hair and pulls me close to his chest.
This is where I want to be
This is what happiness is
This is home.

Hope Ya'll liked this one I sure as hell did! Shout out to my best friend presleytetzlaff she keeps me on my toes and alive every step of the way!😘

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