Bell: right sorry if i mide you uncomfortable.

Mugino: it's fine I know you didn't mean it.

Mugino muttered something under her breath but i couldn't hear what she said even with my level six hearing.

I wonder what she muttered

Bell: well now that that's out of the way I'll be going, again sorry.

I turn around and walk away but not even five steps my arm was grabbed turned to see that mugino grabbed me.

Bell: uh...... yeah what is it?

Mugino: uh what is it? You can't just walk out on a girl like that, it's rude.

Bell: ......then what do you want me to do?

Mugino: looking at the sky on a beautiful day like this taking a girl with you and holding hands. I swear your the most dense person i know isn't it obvious?

Mugino looked at bell for a second and let out a sigh

Mugino: your taking me out on a date.

Bell: b-but i didn't even notice that we were holding hands and plus you already forgave me.

Mugino: apologie not expected.

Bell: but ..

Mugino: what it's not like you have a girlfriend or anything.


She let's go of my arm and i feel something behind me looking back i see three glowing lasers


Mugino: so what's it gonna be bell?

What did accelerator say when facing a physical?

Flash back

Accelerator: bell.

Bell: yeah

Accelerator: if you're ever in a situation where you are facing a physical here's what to do, run.

Bell: ok

I run away from accelerator

Accelerator:.............wait a minute-

Flash back end

Bell: you're a bold one ya know? Fighting someone who is way stronger than you then asking them out and now threatening them.

Mugino shrugged

Bell: okay fine I'll go out with you.

Mugino smiled and the lasers disappeared

Bell: so next tuesday at 6:20?

Mugino: sounds good.

Bell: well here's my number.

Me and mugino exchanged numbers and looked at one another

Bell: alright- wait is that misaka?
(Time to put my escape in action)

Mugino: where?!

I booked it to not let mugino demand more stuff from me

Mugino turned around and saw bell running

Mugino: bell!!

(Time Skip brought to you by me:) )

Bell POV [Tuesday]

I was in my room looking at my clothes deciding on which one to pick

Bell: *annoyed sigh* i can't believe am actually putting effort into this shit.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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