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Bell POV

Me and accelerator and the other students were in class listening to hestia teach the class and writing down notes for a up coming test.

Honestly is this how school's are like? Because if so this is so boring!


Hestia: looks like that's it for now well make sure to study.

With that hestia walks out of the classroom

The bell then rings meaning class is over. Thank God that school is over.

Me accelerator and the others pack there things and we walk out of the class

Magnus and kanzaki separated from are little group said goodbye and went who knows somewhere. Touma and index also said goodbye as they went home leaving me and accelerator

As we where walking i spotted a vending machine and decided to go get a drink

Bell: accelerator you go on a head am gana go get a drink.

Accelerator: huh? Alright then see you later.

Bell: yeah, later!

Accelerator waved his hand and i went to the vending machine

As i got to the vending machine i saw another person there. On further examination it was a girl with chestnut brown color hair, not thinking much about it i didn't pay attention to her

And as i was getting closer to the vending machine the girl suddenly kicked it. Damm. What did that vending machine ever do to you? Well am not much different since i did fry the inside of one vending machine to get a drink...... but you get my point.

Right after the girl kicked the machine a drink shot out of it and the girl picked it up.

Nothing me she moved away from the machine to let me get what i want

I now finally got to the machine and got out my card. Me and accelerator decided to split the money that the scientists gave us, as i was about to swipe the card when a thought crossed my mind

(Do i pay?)

I mean that girl kicked the machine and got a drink so i don't have to pay i can simply manipulate the electricity in the vending machine.

Decided to do that, i put my card away and put my hand on the machine and manipulated the electricity and a coffee dropped out

I smile as i pick it up and open it and bring it up to my lips. But right as i was about to drink my coffee i felt eyes on me it's a handedly skill i got from the scientists when they watched me and accelerator kill some of the clones in doors making me know when someone's watching me

Turning around i saw the same girl that kicked the machine, i was about to ask if she needed anything when i got a good look at her she looked like misa-oh shi-

Misaka: it's you!

Bell: u-uh... h-hey third rank how's it been?

Misaka: don't third rank me! And i have a name you know.

Bell: y-yeah s-sorry misaka.

There was then a moment of silence

Getting a bit uncomfortable i decided to speak

Bell: w-well it was nice meeting y-you I'll be going now!

I quickly booked it making as much distance as possible

Misaka: get back here!

Don't get me wrong i could easily take her on but.............................. yeah am not dealing with her...

Two Albinos in academy orario cityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant