two Albinos in a dungeon

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No one's POV

Accelerator and bell entered the dungeon and presented to walk in feeder. Aa they where walking they encounter their first monster a goblin.

The goblin seeing them rushed at them but bell moving quicker than the eyes could see grabbed the goblins head active blank and makes the goblins head explode get blood everywhere but thanks to the shield bell copying from accelerator it didn't get on him. Bell tossed the goblin that turned to ash and dropped a purple stone

Accelerator walk to it and pick it up

Accelerator: what the hell is this?

Bell: don't know but it might be important.

Accelerator: yeah.

Accelerator gave bell the stone and he put it in his pocket and they continued to walk.

As they walked they came across mutable monsters to goblins, warshadowns, to over grown ants but they where all weak.

Bell: so accelerator what do you want to do in the dungeon?

Bell said walking in front but didn't hear his older brother reply

Bell: accelerator?

Bell turned around to see that accelerator was gone?

Bell: well that not g-

Bell was interrupted by a roar. When he turned to face what made the sound he saw a minotaur

Bell: well, well, well what do we have here?

Bell said walking up to the minotaur the minotaur went to go to punch him but....

(Relacting sound)

The minotaur roared in pain as it holds its broken head.

Bell: oh what's wrong did that hurt?

Bell said making the minotaur and the minotaur looked at bell with anger

Bell: if where going to fight at least make this a challenge. Okay?

The minotaur roared and charged at bell

(With accelerator)

Accelerator was walking in the dungeon looking around for bell

Accelerator: where did he go?

But just as accelerator was going to look for bell again he heard a roar. Turning around he saw a minotaur.

Accelerator: oooooooo, look at what we got here.

Accelerator walk up to the minotaur and like the one that bell is with tried to punch him but like the other one it's hand brock making it roar in pain and backing up

Accelerator: hahahahaha! Is that all you got?!

Accelerator tap the ground and piler of pointy spikes came at the minotaur impaling it and it turned to ash

Accelerator: well that was no fun.

???: what the hell was that?

Accelerator turned his head to face the person of the voice and saw a guy with gray hair, wolf ears and a tal, amber eyes, a good blind body and is a combat fighter.

Accelerator: huh? Who the hell are you third string?

(With bell)

The minotaur was laying on the ground heavily injured with two broken legs and arms and cut and bruises and bell just standing there with a disappointed face

Two Albinos in academy orario cityWhere stories live. Discover now