Going to school

825 21 3

Hope you enjoy

Accelerator and bell woke up got out of bed and left the metal and headed to the convenience store and bought breakfast. They walked nowhere in particular and bell asked a question.

Bell: accelerator.

Accelerator: what?

Bell: what time those school start?

Accelerator: uh 8:30.

Bell: and its 7:14.

Accelerator: we got some time.

Bell: yeah. What do you wanna do?

Accelerator: don't know gusse we can look around academy orario city.

Bell: sure.

(Time Skip brought to you by bell and accelerator going around academy orario city)

Bell and accelerator were walking and bell check the time and stopped walking

Accelerator seeing this turns to his brother and sees his face pale

Accelerator: bell? What's wrong?

Bell: ......accelerator ........it's....... 8:10....


Accelerator: oh shi-

3rd person POV

Two teenage boys with white hair could be seeing standing in front of what looked like a school and both boys where out of breath

Bell: we (trying to catch his breath) made it...... with 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Accelerator: why the hell is this school so damm far!?

Bell: don't know don't care let's just get in there.

They both go in the blinding and go to their class with the help of their schedule. They both saw the classroom and approached it

Bell: this is the right classroom right?

Accelerator: 1C classroom number 23 teacher name hestia.

Bell: well it's 1C and the classroom number is 23.

Accelerator: let's just go in.

Bell nodded and accelerator reached for the door and opened it once opened they step in and looked around the classroom

???: can i help you two?

The two looked to see a young girl with black hair with ponytails and blue eyes and a rather large chest. Bell decided to speak up this time.

Bell: are you hestia?

Hestia: yes i am why?

Accelerator: isn't obvious? were in your class.

Hestia: o-oh how rude of me please take a seats.

The two nodded and took there seats. As they took their seats and the lesson started the two immediately noticed something. "Why aren't there any other student? They decided to wait after class was done to ask hestia.

(Time Skip)

The bell rang signifying lunch

Hestia: and that's it you two can go to lunch now.

Accelerator: hold on i got a question.

Hestia: what is it?

Accelerator: why isn't there any other students?

Hestia had a sad look on her face and told bell and accelerator that no student wanted to join her class and went to the teachers instead. Hearing this bell and accelerator kaida felt bad for her.

Bell: hey don't worry me and accelerator will stay here. Right accelerator?

Accelerator: after hearing a story like that i can't say no.

Hestia: thank you so much you too.

Bell: yeah no problem. Now i got a question of my own.

Hestia: yes?

Bell: can we go to the dungeon now or no?

Hestia: oh yes but first i need to give you my falna.

Accelerator: okay how?

Hestia: i pock my finger with a needle and let my blood drop on to your back and black markings will appear. It just shows your apart of my class.

Bell: that makes sense.

(So black markings will appear on are backs signifying which class where in but. There's more to it) accelerator thought

Doing as hestia said to two take off there shirts and hestia pocks her finger and a drop of blood drops on accelerator and bells back and are now appear of hestia class

Hestia then being a brown paper and gets bell and accelerator's level

Hestia: now let's see you two are lev-

Hestia stops midsentence as she sees bell and accelerator are level 6?!

Hestia: level s-

Again hestia is cut of but this time bell put his hand on her mouth

Bell: hey now let's not go around reviving secrets okay?

Hestia nods her head

Bell: now am going to remove my hand but i need you to promise me, something okay?

Hestia nodded her head again

Bell: you can't tell anyone what level we are no matter what, okay?

Hestia nodded her head again for the third time

Bell removed his hand from hestia mouth allowing her to speak

Hestia: but how are you two level six?

Bell and accelerator looked away remembering the past

Accelerator: we don't want to take about it.

Hestia nodded in understanding and decided not to pray into there life

Bell: well we will be heading to the dungeon. Bye hestia.

Hestia: bye you two be careful.

The two left the classroom and went to the dungeon that was In the middle of the city and the school wasn't so far from it thank you fully. Once they got there they looked at the entrance

Accelerator: bell are you ready?

Bell: yeah. You?

Accelerator: am good.

The two looked at each other and nodded and faced the dungeon and went forward.

And that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it

Next chapter will be accelerator and bell in the dungeon

I might update again today if my arm is feeling better

With nothing more to say i will see you guys next time bye Byee!:)

Two Albinos in academy orario cityWhere stories live. Discover now