New students, again.

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Hope you enjoy:>

3rd person

The sun rises up and shines its light on to the world and the ray of light gose through a certain albino blinds waking him up much to his frustration

Accelerator: I.H.a.t.e.S.c.h.o.o.l.

Accelerator reluctantly gets up and into his room's bathroom and freshens up

Once done he walks out of his room and knocks on bell door

Accelerator: bell! Wake up!

From the other side: go away!

Accelerator: bell i swear to god. Get out here or do you want cold water on you?

From the other side: fine!

Accelerator then goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge and gets his morning black coffee and drinks it

Bell POV


I get out of bed and take a quick shower dry myself and put on my clothes

Bell: why did we have to pick the one school that requires you to wake up at 7 in the morning?

Bell gets out of his room and sees accelerator there

Bell: sup.

Accelerator: not being default now are we?

Bell: oh shut up, i rather not fight this early in the morning.

Accelerator just drinks his coffee and bell starts making breakfast

Once bell was done he placed the plant's of food on the table of which consisted of bacon and eggs and toast

As they fished eating they put the plants in the sink and washed them quickly and grabbed there bags that they bought recently and head out the door

Bell: forgot we where going to a school. Bell said as he holds the bag over his shoulder

Accelerator: same. Accelerator says as he also had his school bag over his shoulder

As they walk to school they ran into touma and index and walked to school together

When they arrived at the school they entered the blinding and head to the classroom. When they opened the door they see hestia and two other people standing there

Accelerator: huh? Are those third strings?

Touma: magnus, kanzaki? What are you guys doing here?

Magnus: we enrolled here and wanted to see this "dungeon" thing here.

Kanzaki: and this is are classroom.

Bell: so you guys know each other?

Touma: yeah. The one with the red hair and black clothes is Stiyl magnus and the one with the sword is Kaori kanzaki.

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