The bar

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Hope you enjoy

No one's POV

The sun came up sighting a new day and the rays of the sunlight shine through blinds and on to a albino boys face. That boy being accelerator

Accelerator turned away from the light but he knew it was time for school so he forced himself up and got out of bed

Accelerator: tch. So damm early..... bell! Wake up.

Accelerator said entering his younger brothers room

Bell: shhhhhh, keep it down.

Accelerator: bell get up, we have school.

Bell: five more minutes.

Accelerator: tch. You know what have it your way.

Accelerator left bells room and bell went back to sleep, however.


Bell shot up wide wake as he sees accelerator holding a bucket


3rd person

Bell was in the bathroom that was in his room talking a shower still pissed off that he got splashed with cold water

Bell: god dammit! One day i am gonna kill him!

Bell said angrily washing his hair

Once bell was done taking a shower he dried himself off and put on his favorite black long sleeved shirt and gray jeans and socks, shoes and walked out of his room

He walked into the living room and saw accelerator but ignored him and got cereal and milk

Accelerator: i said i was sorry.

Bell: whatever. Don't do that again.

Accelerator: alright fine.

Bell poured the milk and then the cereal and started. Once finished he put the boul in the sink deciding he would wash it later

Bell: what time is it?

Accelerator: 7:45.

Bell: we should get going don't want to be late.

Accelerator: we were gana be late if i didn't splash you with water. Accelerator said mumbling

Bell: what was that? Bell said with a dark tone.

Accelerator filched a bit but luckily got his composure

Accelerator: tch. Nothing let's go.

Bell just nodded and they left the apartment and manipulated the wind around them and flew to school

Once there they landed and walked in. They went to the classroom but not before bell and accelerator getting coffee from a vending machine

They got to the classroom and took there sits. A few minutes later hestia walked in

Hestia: hello you two.

Accelerator: hi.

Bell: hi.

Hestia: well let's begin today's lesson.

As hestia began the lesson the two paid attention aldo the question where really easy to answer

[Time Skip]

Hestia: alright you that's all for right now it's lunch so I'll be going. Bye you two.

Accelerator/Bell: bye.

As hestia left the two also left looking for the cafeteria. Once they found it they got there lunch which consisted of chicken wings and macaroni they sat at a table and started to eat

Two Albinos in academy orario cityWhere stories live. Discover now