10 - Being a Model

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"Never seek his approval or change to get it. He seeks your approval only. He can't tell you what to wear and you shouldn't care." He pulled her in front of the mirror, her body turned the side, against his chest, his hand on her thigh, sliding up. "You feel sexy wearing this?" He questioned and she nodded, and figured he wanted her to say it.
"I look sexy as hell. A man's wet dream. Maybe yours to" He chuckled.

"Good. Confidence is key always. He doesn't have to tell you, your beautiful because you feel so yourself." She never needed anyone to tell her that, but she loved hearing it. He slid his hands up higher, and she grabbed his hand, turning her head up to look at him causing him to chuckle.
" Good, don't be too easy. Let him approach you and feel you out though."

He pulled the hem down, straightening it back out. "When you do approach him, smile but not so much. Just a look and he knows your interested" She flipped her hair, taking a glance at Adriano, head to toe before she turned around.

"Like that" He grinned.

Walking out of the house, she clung to his arm, with her head on his arm, like they've been friends forever. "How do you guys know so much about him?" He put his arm over her shoulder. " You aren't the first decoy. I have a question though" He grinned, opening the door for her. " Are you ready?" She sat in, confused. " For what?" She questioned, not knowing where they were going.

" They're will be a lot of cameras" He closed the door, leaving her thinking and got in the other side. He handed her a coffee and the car started moving. " I have a question" He turned, nodding. " Why waste your time with me when you have other responsibilities?" She questioned, taking a sip of her coffee, actually liking how it taste considering she didn't drink coffee until now. He smirked, surprised she asked that question. Though he knew the answer to it.

" You are better company. And fun to be around. And in this world, you barely have fun" She smiled, playfully nudging his shoulder with hers.

* * * 

Pulling up to an unknown building, she gazed out the window as he got out. He helped her out, another chivalrous man, making her giggle. It was just a little funny. He grabbed a suitcase out the trunk, confusing her. Why were they there? He grabbed her hand and she looked around noticing another car parked behind them, their men. She looked at him, Adriano already knowing her question, answering it first, "Can never be too careful" She nodded .

Luciano did have enemies she was sure so never know who's watching. That was a little startling to know anytime something could go wrong. She could be a target. They walked into the building and she saw all the photography equipment and the green backdrops and multiple props like beds and curtains everywhere. Chairs decorated. So pretty and professional. She only grew more confused. Adriano led her to the back of a room and she noticed it was a dressing room because of the mirror, vanity and clothing rack.

"What's going on?" She questioned and he sat the suit case down, unzipping it, displaying pieces of lingerie. "Congratulations, you're a model"
She blinked, blinked again, and then once more. Was he kidding? A model? Since when? She remembered he said they would give her a high paying job for her fake identity. She folded her arms and said, "Explain" She never thought of Modeling.

"Well Luciano is keeping your profession as a stripper so he thought being a model would fit with being a classy yet exotic woman. It wouldn't seem shady. Besides you look like a model" He winked and a woman came in, hanging up some lingerie fits.

" Get dressed gorgeous. There is a robe so wear that when you come out and they will handle the makeover" He kissed her temple and walked out. She sighed, looking through the different pieces. One she found mouth dropping were the white lingerie set. All white. Of course it were lacey and transparent in the right places. Her nipples or vagina wasn't exposed. Though the corset had her ass exposed, which she were grateful for. The panties were tight and sexy, she loved that the lace were over the area of her vagina but the top were exposed and if you were hairy, you would see it. Luckily she stayed shaved.

Marked For Crime Royalty| Book One | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora