Bell vs red minotaur

Start from the beginning

Bell: accelerator...

Bell sits up silghtly and looks at his older brother

Bell: you're reflection. When i went out with misaka a few weeks ago she touched my wrist the reflection didn't go off.

Accelerator becomes silent as he looks at bell

Accelerator: tch. I see that also happened to me a few weeks ago I went out with a acquaintance of mine and she touched my wrist too and my reflection didn't go off.

(A she?)

Bell: is there a miscalculation?

Accelerator: no. I never miss a single calculation in my vector manipulation.

Bell: maybe the reflection contended them as none threats so it didn't go off.

Accelerator: maybe.

Bell sighs and gets up

Bell: you've changed, you know?

Accelerator: how so?

Bell: you're not as violent as before nor as rude, actually ever since our lost to touma and after we left that hellish science experiment your alot nicer.

Accelerator kept silent and listened to his little brother

Bell: you've been nicer not only that but you started to care about other's to some extent but even so you never changed your attitude and help others in your own way.

Accelerator looked somewhat shock but only for a moment and looked away

Bell smiled and walked towards the door

Bell: going to the dungeon haven't been there in a bit. You?

Accelerator: am staying here don't feel like going out.

Bell: alright, bye accelerator!

Accelerator: don't get in trouble or do something stupid!

The door closed and accelerator laid on the couch

Accelerator: being a big brother is easy and not easy at the same time.......... sigh I need a coffee.

Accelerator tossed over to another side of the couch

Accelerator: maybe i can talk to rindo.

Bell POV

I walked to the dungeon and as i approached it i saw magnus there

I was honestly a little surprised i usually see him with kanzaki, then what is he doing here?

Bell: yo, magnus!

He turned around and faced me and had the same expression of shook

Magnus: oh sup bell what are you doing here? I thought you'd be with accelerator.

Bell: i could ask you the same thing i thought you'd be with kanzaki.

Magnus: well yeah but i decided to visit the dungeon i haven't seen it in a bit. You?

Bell: same and the fact that i was bored and i needed to clear my thoughts.

Magnus: and what better way then to killing, right?

We both laughed at the joke and walked in together while making some small talk.

Magnus: so what have you been doing? I don't see you much.

Bell: well for the past week I meet some of my fellow espers. Third rank fourth ranked and fifth rankn or known as aka railgun aka meltdowner and aka mental out.

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