Chapter 4: My First Day

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        The following Monday when I arrived at Freddy’s after school, I was completely nervous of what to expect and what they wanted me to do. I mean, I obviously had to be a waitress and take people’s orders, but I knew there were going to be other jobs besides waiting tables that they had planned for me. When I walked into the room behind the counter which led into the kitchen, many of the staff members greeted me and began handing me things to complete my “work uniform”. I met the famously known pizza chefs for Freddy’s Pizzeria. Many of the staff members seemed really nice and friendly, maybe a little too friendly, while others seemed really dysfunctional. I could tell some really enjoyed working at Freddy’s while others really hate their lives. The place began to get some customers as soon as I was ready and so they decided to have me wait on them. Since I was in training, one of the male waiters decided to accompany me to tell me what to say and how to act. He told me to try to keep a smile on my face and always be patient with the customers. This was difficult for me because I was still really tired from school and I’m very impatient when it comes to people. I went over to the first dining table where a family of four was seated and waiting. I had my notepad and pen ready to take their orders, but of course I had to introduce myself first.

        “Hello! My name is Kim and I will be your waitress. How is everyone today?” I was surprised at how well I managed to introduce myself for my first try.

        “Oh we’re fine.” The father, or at least what I assume him to be, said. “We decided to come in for some of Freddy’s delicious pizza.”

        “Well that’s just fine.” I replied in a cheesy sort of way. “Are you guys ready to order or would you like some more time?”

        “I think we are ready… Are you guys ready?” He turned around to ask his two little children.

        “Yes daddy! We want the pepperoni pizza!” They both yelled out.

        “Alright, I guess we’ll get one medium pepperoni pizza and one medium cheese pizza for here please.”

        “Coming right up!” I said leaving after writing down their order.

        I returned to the kitchen where all the staff members were observing me from the window that separated the kitchen from the front counter. Immediately when I went through the door they all started applauding me and saying how great of a job I did taking my first order. They acted like it was such a huge achievement for me to take someone’s order for the first time. It seemed pretty easy being a waitress so far.

        By the time my shift was over at nine o’clock, I realized that they never mentioned or talked about the animatronics on the stage. They only came on a few times throughout the day to sing and play happy birthday for a couple of kids. When I took off my amazing uniform, which consisted of a visor and a smock, and said my goodbyes to all my workmates, I took a short glance over toward the stage just to see how the Fazbear crew looked. They all seemed pretty happy and were stuck in different positions from the last song they were playing. Freddy looked as though he was in the middle of running a marathon. What made it even more entertaining was the fact that he was still holding his microphone while the others had their own instruments. Almost everyone said bye to me when I began to walk out. Today seemed to be a great first day for me at my new job.

        That night I had my boyfriend come over since I didn’t have a lot of homework. I told him all about my first day and what they had me do. He was very pleased that enjoyed working there already. After I was done telling him of my tales of waiting tables, I asked him how his day went. He told me about track practice and how he was unbeatable when it came to the 400 meter dash. I really wanted to see him but of course it’s going to be much more difficult to find time to watch him run since I just got a job. Whenever we get the opportunity to spend time together I try to make the most of it and tell him everything I could possibly think of that’s been on my mind. We would just sit and watch TV the whole time while talking about literally anything. Sometimes when I really missed him, I would cuddle up right next to him and he would hold me in his arms. He was always so warm and muscular, in my opinion of course. We were like most high school couples and were inseparable. We were, of course, different in our own ways than that of a normal couple. Even though we had been together for about two years, we never told each other that we love the other. Shocking right? We have many reasons for this though. The most important and sensitive reason was that we wanted to wait for the right moment to come along where we really feel this way. Otherwise we feel like just tossing around the big “L” word everywhere would begin to mean nothing after a while. I really did love my Foxy though. But I am perfectly fine with hugs, kisses, and just saying that we liked each other. To be honest, some of the conversations that we have when we’re alone can be quite awkward. For instance, whenever we want to say that we love each other, it’ll start with him saying: “I really like you, Kitty.” So then I feel obligated to reply with: “And I really like you, Foxy!” This was always an important aspect within our relationship and we wanted to keep it steady for as long as we wanted. So maybe we are not the most normal couple, but we liked it that way. And every time we hung out together just to talk or watch TV, the next morning I would feel as though I fell asleep in his arms rather than having him leave to go back home. So even if I had so much fun with him while we spent time together, I would still feel sad when I realized that he was gone.

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