Chapter 2 ( Let them Judge )

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"Those who Judge will never understand...

Those who understand will never judge..."



In class 3-E's life, since children...

They knew better than anyone else that this world is a judgemental sociality.

They knew that this world isn't and will never be fair.

They tried to live up to people's expectations.

They thought they can never be the judge of their own lifes.


Since he came into their lives, helping them with their problems, their thoughts and opinions about 'that this world is trash, everything is hell, how they never and will never trust nor rely anyone else' started to crack and fell apart.

Even though class 3-E's job and mission is to eliminate their teacher, Koro-sensei.

They won't need to think twice to do anything to make their moments with Koro-sensei and class 3-E lasts forever.

But sorry! Life is not a disney movie.

In the end, class 3-E watched Nagisa and Izuku pierced the knife at their beloved octopus teacher's heart, and  watch him fade away.



"Hello everyone! I'm Nagisa, class 3-E's class president." Nagisa bowed a perfect 90⁰ at class 1-A and the two senseis.

"A little information about our class... We used to be a class full of quirkless students, well it changed now 'cause Izu got his... We were strictly and harshly trained so we can fight using only our raw strenght, and brains" 

Explained the bluenette, Nagisa.

"We can teach you about anything! Hand-to-hand combat, sniping, shooting, manipulating minds, archery, horse riding, hacking, even chemistry! Of course for each type we have our own top student." 

Continued the boy, as he nudge towards Deku so he'll continue the explanation.

"We'll be devided to 3 different sessions." Deku said, as he handed each of the people there, a notebook that contains, their schedules, tips and tricks, dictionary, and some blank space to write down.

"As you can see we'll be having 'basic' as the first session. This session will contains, 'what describes a hero', 'how to live as a hero', 'what describes a villain', 'how to live as a villain', 'what describes common, powerful, and weak'....

Next we will be divided into two teams, each taking turns for the sessions

We'll have a combat session, where we basically will be taught about how to fight and survive without quirks.

Lastly we'll have a studying session, don't get me wrong we won't study like we study in classes.

We will study how to understand a situation, an enviroment, problems and how to face them using logic, brains, and your actions."

Deku explained.



Of course we have a screaming Bakugo, trying to make class 3-E fight with him.

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