𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱

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↢3rd Person POV↣

Aether had stayed with y/n as long as he could but as soon as he heard that the shogun's army was close by, he wanted to help.

Trusting that y/n would be safe in the camp, Aether set out with a group of resistance folks and the furry-I MEAN GENERAL GOROU.

'I hope she's doing alright...'

Oh yes, she's doing fine.

In fact, she's gonna be there soon.

Aether forced himself to stop thinking about y/n, focusing on the current situation instead.

Meanwhile, y/n was falling every ten seconds and her dumb self couldn't accept the fact that she was still recovering and jumping off cliffs wasn't such a good idea.

"%$!#" y/n shouted when she stumbled over and fell again, faceplanting once more, "Why can't I run properly? Damn it legs, do your job!"

The mita-girl let out a sigh, stumbling to her feet and speed walking instead only to get impatient and start running again.

She was screaming profanities in her head, scolding herself for being so weak and not even realizing that if she kept this up, she'd probably end up killing herself but AHEM


'Found em!' y/n thought when she finally spotted Aether's fine self, just barely hidden by a group of Resistance Members.

She spotted the furry too. She couldn't quite tell if he was a dog or a cat but that didn't really matter at the moment.

"BLONDIE!!!!" y/n exclaimed just as Aether finished beating a samurai's ass.

Aether, of course, looked back as soon as he heard y/n's lovely yet still terrifying voice, "Y/n!"

"Out of the way, losers!" y/n snapped, actually trampling someone who failed to get out of the way in time before leaping at Aether.

Aether barely managed to catch her, stumbling a little as y/n basically clung to him while burying her face in his hair.

"Damn it, don't leave me out of the fun like that!" y/n snapped as she rested her head on top of Aether's, clinging to him as she pointedly glaring at the golden eyed lady and her soldiers.

What was her name again...?


Kumuno Nara!

Y/n turned her attention away from the soldiers and gave Aether a tight hug, unaware of his red face and the fact that they were still in the middle of a battle field.

While y/n was hecking smothering Aether, our lovely Tengu Warrior decided now would be the perfect moment to..."Soldiers, attack! Glory to the almighty Shogun and her everlasting reign!"

"Prepare to engage!" Gorou shouted, "All of you! With me!"

"OH HELL YEAH!" y/n exclaimed only for Aether to activate his sick knot-tying skills and tie her up, "DAMN IT, BLONDIE!"

He had the audacity to get her safely tucked away in a spot within a ship wreck before peacing out to go fight.

Y/n was screeching at the top of her lungs as she was forced to watch the fight, still a little too hurt to be dislocating and relocating her bones...

She did manage to roll out into the battle field and bite someone's leg.

They looked down to find a raging y/n who let out a, "MMMPH MRGMH MMPH!" and dragged their ass to the ground.

She very craftily sliced off the rope with their weapon after choking them out with her legs and her legs alone before getting tf up and sucker punching someone who had the misfortune of being near her.

Sure, she was bleeding out at this point, the bandages around her torso having slipped off but that was okay.

After all, she did have her axe with her.

Aether, a distance away, was completely unaware of the fact that y/n was actually ending people's lives but hey, what's new?

Of course, he turned in time to see some cowardly mf about to stab her from behind. Smart but also kinda dumb.

The blondie didn't even have the time to warn y/n since there was a loud bang along with a whizz that drowned out his shout.

Y/n looked over her shoulder and deadpanned at the sight of the idiot who tried to stab her, rolling on the ground in agony since he kinda took a bullet through the damn neck and lived.

Her sensitive ass hearing picked up a disappointed, "Damn, I missed." and she found Tris chilling on top of the shipwreck with his gun. He had his Fatui drip-AHEM, WORK ATTIRE ON and his face was covered once more.

Beside him, much to y/n's surprise, was the ebony haired menace himself. The one with the icy eyes and the bad temper. The one who tossed y/n into the water and also saved her ass.

"YOU'VE GOT SOME DAMN NERVE!" Ryoichi shouted and y/n actually wheezed when he threw a spear, narrowly missing the soldier's face, "YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO RUN, DICKHEAD!"

The soldier happily took those five seconds and attempted to dip out of there only to get shot in the ass by Tris.


"I'm giving you the chance to handle him yourself." Tris replied simply.

Ryoichi grumbled, joining y/n on the battle field to retrieve his spear.

You can imagine the pure horror the soldier felt when he found two hot heads out for blood looming over him with their weapons ready.

"Your free trial of life has ended." Y/n stated with a lil grin, lifting her axe.

"Bitch." Ryoichi finished.

Aether perked up halfway across the battlefield, pretty sure he just heard someone let out a high pitched scream.


That was odd.

He'd lost sight of y/n after he heard the bang but he refused to believe that something had happened to her.

Sure, she was wounded, but she'd been through worse before.

'What's worse than taking a hit from an Archon...?' Aether wondered as the battle raged on, 'Ah, not the time-'

(I didn't know 2.1 was out-)

1 was out-)

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