𝗩𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲

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(Ayaka came home on the NA server)

(And I have the Electro Archon guaranteed on the EU server :o)

3rd Person POV

'People in Inazuma are crazy.'

Y/n had an almost disgusted expression on her face while Paimon and Aether tried to process what they'd just heard.

"Three Million Mora...!?" Paimon demanded, shocked by the ridiculous price.

"Are you sure that's the right price? Aether questioned, frowning.

"One Million Mora for each person and there's three of you. Don't worry, my math is accurate." the woman, Yurika, replied.

"Please, your math ain't shit!" y/n snapped, "That's a ridiculous price for a processing fee! Suck my-"

It was Aether's turn to shut y/n up, slamming a hand over her mouth. He ended up hitting her in the nose in the process and she yelped, backing up to hold her hands over her nose.

"Oh shi-" Aether shook his head, "H-Hey, y/n, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

Y/n held up a hand, blinking her watering eyes, "I'm fine, I'm-"

"YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING!!" Paimon screeched and y/n moved her hands, staring at the blood on her hands.

"Oh." she stated then shrugged, "Okay."

While Aether grabbed a towel from his inventory-AHEM bag, Thoma finally spoke up, "Haha... Ma'am, these three here are good friends of mine. I think you'll find I'm one face you recognize."

In the background, y/n was whining about how she was fine and it didn't hurt but Aether was ignoring her and trying his best to stop the bleeding.

Ufufu, they looked like a couple.

"Mr. Thoma, it's you. By way of courtesy, allow me to reduce it to 400,000 Mora total." the woman hummed.

"That's still a bit expensive-" Aether said, holding the towel to y/n's nose while patting her head. The h/c haired idiot had stopped complaining.

She'd caught sight of something out of the ordinary. Y/n squinted a lil bit.

'Is that... IS THAT 🚚ING TRIS???'

Not everyone with white hair and bandages covering their face could automatically be the angel named Tris but y/n was sure that it was him.

Looked like him.

Sounded like him.

Smelled like him.

Must be him.

'And he has yummy food too!' y/n thought amazed when she spotted the colorful sweet smelling food he was holding.

"Thank you ever so much, Miss Yurika." Thoma was saying as y/n tried to think of an escape plan, "But as this is just a processing fee... I think 600 Mora should cover it if I'm paying on their behalf? I'll treat you to dinner, too. How does that sound?"

"That's not how you haggle! By all means, bargain the price down, but-" Paimon began.

"Alright then. As you wish, Mr. Thoma. I will make a record." Yurika agreed, leaving both Aether and Paimon stunned.

Stunned enough that they didn't notice y/n sneak away to follow Tris who was just trying to enjoy his snack.

So while the trio followed the woman into the building, y/n was tracking down the pyroslinger.

But, before she could actually put some distance between herself and the building, the new-environment-nausea hit her all at once and took her out in one hit.

So when Aether, Thoma and Paimon went back outside, they found a barely conscious y/n laying on the ground a distance away.

"Well would you look at that! Paimon was wondering with the nausea would hit her!" Paimon exclaimed as Aether simply sighed and wandered over to pick up the idiot.

"And it's only going to get worse when we leave Ritou." Aether huffed as y/n pulled on his face, whining about how she was fine and didn't need to be carried.

"Shut up and accept my help."

"Nye, Mitachurls don't need help >:("

"Is this normal?" Thoma asked Paimon who nodded as y/n finally gave up on protesting and went completely limp with a miserable groan.

"Yep, y/n got sick the first time we went to Liyue Harbor so Paimon knew she'd eventually get sick here. She'll get better soon, she just needs to sleep a little." Paimon assured Thoma.

"If that's the case, I think I can help you guys out with that." Thoma hummed.

Y/n turned her head to look at Thoma with a frown, "But I'm fine..."

No. No you're not.

After getting y/n to a spot where she could sit down and just sleep a little, Thoma gave Aether and Paimon a task.

Apparently they had to go help out the International Trade Association(?). Aether had a feeling it wouldn't be a simple task and it would be easier to have y/n there to threaten anyone who was too stubborn to negotiate with...

But, she'd already fallen asleep.

"Is it alright if we leave y/n with you?" Paimon asked, "Last time we brought her along while she was like this, if didn't exactly turn out well."

"I don't mind! Any advice before you two go?" Thoma asked and Aether looked thoughtful.

"We probably should've bought a leash for her or something..." he mumbled.

"A what"

"Violence is inevitable whenever it comes to y/n." Paimon told them very confused Thoma, "She probably needs a leash. Unless you're good at keeping track of hyper people like her."

'She couldn't possibly be that bad-' Thoma thought wearily, '...Right?'

"Welp, we'll leave her with you!" Aether chimed as him and Paimon walked away, "See you soon, Thoma!"

"Bye, Thoma!" Paimon called, "Take care of y/n for us, okay?"

Thoma glanced at y/n who had dozed off. How could such a peaceful looking person be bad enough to need a leash???

Thoma, my man.

You're in for a surprise.

(Yall know those backpack things that parents use so their kids can't wander off?)

(I imagine y/n with one of those)

𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘂𝗿𝗹 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗰𝘆 ✦ 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗰𝘁 [Monstrosity]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu