𝗔 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸

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[Edited Again]

"Again, I'm fine...!" y/n laughed.

Amber was looking distressed as she stood beside the bed y/n had sat up in.

"Heh, I look like a mummy!" y/n chirped, pointing to the bandages around her head with a little playful grin on her face.

The bandages were a little red since the wound on y/n's head had begun bleeding again after y/n got angry at Kaeya and headbutt him when he came to visit y/n.

"Y/n, it isn't funny-!" Amber cried, grasping the girl's hands in hers, "You can't just jump at an enemy like that when you don't know what they can do!"

Y/n simply smiled but she was internally seething, 'That stupid Herald...! It was holding back that first time I fought it! I want a rematch! Nye, a fight to the death!'

"Hm? Well Diluc and Aether are chasing Kaeya for messing with me and they don't know what he can do." y/n said a matter of factly, pointing outside the window.

Amber deadpanned at the sight of Diluc and Aether chasing Kaeya around with swords in front of the Cathedral.

"Y/n, that's different-" she began.

"Oh, look!" y/n chirped, pointing outside, "Bennett and Albedo are joining in!"

"Y-Y/n!" Amber protested as y/n clambered out of bed and threw open the window to shout, "Get 'em! Beat his ass!"

Amber sighed and shut the window, dragging y/n back to the bed and grabbing her by the shoulders, forcing her to sit.

"Ow, watch it..." y/n hissed, "Barbara said I broke a couple of bones, Amber-"

"Ah, sorry-" Amber began to apologize then shook her head, "No, listen to me. You need to rest up, okay? No fighting, no leaving bed, no running. Nothing."

"Not even dancing with hilichurls?" y/n questioned in a small voice, eyes wide.

"Not even dancing with hilichurls."

Y/n sighed, flopping back on the bed, "That's not fairrr! Not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair, not FAIR!"

Y/n sat up again, grabbing Amber by the waist and dragging her down onto the bed, trapping her in a firm hug.

"Y-Y/n, what're you doing!?" Amber yelped, a blush covering her face.

"If I have to stay here, you do too!" y/n snapped as the girl struggled, "You cannot escape my hug of doom! Mwahaha!"

Y/n began tickling Amber and the brunette began laughing hysterically.



The sound of someone clearing their throat caught y/n and Amber's attention and both females looked to the door.

Y/n blinked, e/c eyes filled with surprise, "Oh. I didn't expect to see you here."

The ebony haired male at the door smiled, the sight of some bandages wrapped around his eyes making y/n tilt her head, "Hey there, y/n! Long time no see."

"Your jokes are horrible, Osiris." y/n said flatly, releasing Amber and sitting up, "What happened to you? You don't usually wear bandages over your eyes."

"Nothing important." Osiris replied then smirked, "Am I interrupting something? Telling from how fast your little friend's heart is beating, it seems as though things were getting a little steamy in here."

'He can hear that?' y/n wondered, 'I csn hear it too... OH! He has sharp hearing!'

"S-STEAMY!?" Amber demanded, her face going red while y/n frowned a bit.

"What does that mean?" she inquired.

"Nothing, nothing." Osiris chuckled, "I should probably introduce myself. My name is Osiris. Who might you be?"

"Amber." the burnette replied, "It's nice to meet you, Osiris! Are you a friend of y/n?"

"Hm... I'm more of an acquaintance." Osiris said with a shrug and y/n gasped.

"I thought you were my odomuuuu, Si..." she whined and Osiris genuinely smiled.

"Well, if you want to be friends, I have no reason to decline." he commented then turned to Amber, "Hey, Amber. If you don't mind, could I speak to y/n alone?"

"Oh, sure." Amber got up, leaving the room with one last wave to y/n.

"So, didya need something?" Y/n inquired and Osiris shook his head a bit.

"No, I just did what you asked of me." he replied and held out an old worn down wooden box that was rather small but still big enough to hold a couple of knives.

Y/n took the box from him and realized it was the box that Matr had kept her things.

"Look at the bottom, there should be a note there." Osiris hummed, turning to leave, "If you need me, I'll be at Liyue Harbor. You remember where my Mom's house is? That house on the big hill?"

"Yeah, got it." y/n murmured and the male departed, mumbling about sandwiches.

She carefully moved aside things in the box and indeed found an old letter at the bottom. The paper was ripped and a little worn but the message was still legible.

Her e/c eyes observed the note and she uttered the words under her breath. With each word she read her voice got quieter and her eyes widened more and more.

'I can't get a break, can I?' y/n sighed as she set the letter down on her lap, tilting her head back to look at the ceiling.

Her mind brought up the short chat she'd had with Sucrose back in Dragonspine

Y/n gripped the letter a little tighter, "Alright then. I've already helped Aether find his sister, assuming that she'll do what she said she would. New goal."

Y/n tucked the letter back into the box and hid the box under her pillow, "And it all starts with getting rest and recovering."

(Aight, that's the last one for today.)

(Just so y'all know, the one Osiris called Mom is the wife of the man who had found him. ^^)

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