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I hurried to my car, a little too excited about the fact he gave me his number. I quickly got into my car and locked the doors before sitting silently for a moment.

I looked down at the paper once more before letting out a giddy scream, probably looking like an absolute psychopath in the parking garage at 3 in the morning. "I can't believe I fucking got it!" I said to myself. "Fuck, he's so hot and he smells so good." I whined to myself, tightly gripping onto the steering wheel in front of me when I hadn't even started the car. "And his moans?! Good lord, that was enough to make me lose my fucking mind." I said to absolutely no one before letting out a heavy sigh, my body sinking into the seat. "But he's a man... and I know better than to get excited about a man." I frowned to myself.

I looked down at the paper once again. "I'm being stupid. A man that attractive definitely has girls chasing after him 24/7 and he's more than likely entertaining all of them." I mumbled. "I shouldn't be thinking so negatively... not every guy is Colt." I nodded, sitting the paper down before I started my car and made my way home.

Once I arrived home, I made my way inside, carefully shutting the door behind me before making my way down the entryway and towards the staircase. I looked over into the living room, Mikey and his friends all past out on the couch, the tv on playing a random movie. I didn't bother shutting off the tv and risk waking them up, so I just made my way up the stairs and to my bedroom.

I got into comfortable clothing before getting myself settled in bed. I decided to hold off on texting him until tomorrow, still a little nervous and overthinking about everything I could possibly say.

Eventually, I fell asleep and woke up the next morning with the same anxious feeling sitting in my stomach. I managed to get myself out of bed before showering and getting myself somewhat ready for the day, not too much though considering I had work later.

I made my way downstairs, Mikey and his friends now sitting at the table eating cereal as they talked about whatever. "It's alive." Mikey snickered.

"Haha, you are the funniest person alive." I sarcastically stated, making my way into the kitchen and over to the fridge, opening the door and staring aimlessly into it, searching for food. "Did dad leave for work?" I asked, giving up on food and shutting the fridge.

"No he went to war." Mikey stated as his friends laughed.

"I want to punch you." I glared.

"Cool, anyway, will you take us to the park?" He asked, making my jaw clenched in irritation. "Will you take us here? Can you take us there? How about you get your fucking license or bother someone else about these damn rides?! I'm tired. I work late and then deal with your shit all day! I've had enough." I slammed my hands onto the counter but Mikey's next words are what irritated me to no end.

"Are you on your period?"

"You can forget the park." I turned to go back upstairs but Mikey stopped me. "Wait, I was just messing with you. Come on, please." He whined. "I'm sorry, really."

I took a deep breath, turning back around. "I'll take you but I'm not picking you up so it's up to you to get a ride home." I pointed.

"Deal," he nodded. "Can you do me another huge favor since you're the best sister in the world?" He smiled.

"What?" I crossed my arms.

"Dad can't make it to my scrimmage next Thursday so I was wondering if you could come? Please, it's the first game he can't make it to and I'd really like if you came." He stood from his seat, clearly desperate for me to agree. "Okay," I sighed. "Fine, I'll go to your game."

"Yes! Thank you!" He smiled.

"You owe me." I plainly stated, turning back to the stairs and making my way back to my bedroom.

love in the sky | connie s. ♡Where stories live. Discover now