into it (nsfw)

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~ connie's pov ~

"Bro, please." I whined, looking up at Jean who stood by the bleachers with me, watching the kids practice.

"Dude, it's been 2 weeks. She's probably forgotten about you by now-" he stopped, blowing into his whistle. "Mikey, that's a foul! Get back into your starting positions!" He yelled before looking back down at me. "Now stop thinking about some stripper. I'm not even the coach here, you are." He glared.

"I just wanna go back tonight, please." I stressed. "I need to see her again. I doubt she's forgotten about me. I'm telling you there was something there."

"Something there?" Jean rolled his eyes, sitting down next to me on the bleachers. "It's her job. She dances for hundreds of men nightly. I'm not trying to be mean but you really think she's gonna remember the one little lap dance she gave you?" He sighed, "Besides, Connie. This was the same exact thing you said with your ex and look how that turned out."

"Not every girl is my ex god dammit!" I yelled just a little too loud, the kids pausing their movements, the squeaking of their shoes stopping and the sound of the ball being dribbled was the only noise in the now silent gymnasium.

"Maybe we should talk about this after practice?" Jean awkwardly laughed.

"No," I stood from the bleachers, grabbing the whistle from Jean's hands. "We're taking a break!" I motioned for the boys to get off the court, all of them letting out irritated groans as they did so.

Jean followed me over to the table where I had my water sitting, chugging half of the bottle before sitting it back down. "I didn't mean to blow up like that. It's just you guys are always bringing her up when she's irrelevant in my life now." I looked over at Jean who frowned. "I'm sorry. It's just-" "you don't wanna see me hurt. I get it." I sighed. "That doesn't mean I can't go around and try something new. Even if it just ends in sex, so what? It's not hurting anybody. I wanna see her again."

"But I can see it, man. The fact it's been two weeks and you're still thinking about her? You were too nervous to even ask her for a dance! She made you nervous, meaning it ending in just sex is gonna hurt you." Jean turned his gaze over to the group of teenagers who were wiping sweat from their foreheads and talking as they cooled off for a moment.

"What about that Ari chick? Why is it okay for you to be talking to her but I'm not allowed to even shoot my shot?" I crossed my arms.

"I made a move the first night. I've been talking to her for two weeks-" "Well then, ask if Aphrodite has said anything about me-" "No." Jean sternly replied.

"Why not?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because I'm trying to get to know Ari. Not her friends and the club and shit. I'm not asking her about someone she may not even be close to." He replied.

"I wanna go back tonight." I clenched my jaw.

"You don't even know her real name." Jean laughed.

"I'll never know anything if you don't let me have this one fucking chance." I held up one finger, practically pleading for Jean to give in and finally, his stubborn ass did. "Whatever," he mumbled. "But if no move is made tonight, we're not doing this again." He shook his head.

"Yes! Thank you!" I smiled, grabbing the whistle from around my neck and bringing it up to blow into it. "Alright! Breaks over. Mikey and Kise, position 1! The rest of you decide!" I directed as the boys got into their spots.

~ y/n's pov ~

"Colt," I moaned, gripping tightly onto the sheets beneath me. My back arched deeply as he held onto my hips tightly, pounding into me relentlessly. My legs were still shaking from my previous orgasm but he didn't care, continuing to go at it until he was done.

love in the sky | connie s. ♡Where stories live. Discover now