I know her, but do i?

Começar do início

"Are you and Billie still a thing?" Ria questioned hesitantly, causing me to giggle a little.

"It's only been two weeks Ria, of course we are. Better than ever actually," I filled Ria in on mine and billies face time date, Ria filled me in on her life. We had a small catch up, but I was still working so obviously I had to keep up with customers.

"So, can we do something soon?" I raised an eyebrow at Ria, "not a party where your ex girlfriend is of course." She added.

"Duh, I'm up for anything."

Eventually Ria left, she had plans with josh. Bless her heart she stumbled over her words telling me she had to go. It truly didn't bother me though.


Instagram                             📞  📷

Message request from Savvyxo

Hi, this is awkward but I saw your Instagram on billies phone last night and ig you should know that me and her have been dating for like a month

My heart stopped as I read the message. She could be lying- no, she is lying... surely. I plucked up some courage and accepted the message request.


Instagram                          📞  📷


Hi, this is awkward but I saw your Instagram on billies phone last night and ig you should know that me and her have been dating for like a month

who tf are you?

My name is savannah

i don't believe you

Me and Billie fucked last night, why would I lie? She told me about you like a few weeks ago lol, I asked if she felt bad and she said no because you's would never actually be a thing

you're coming off so sus, if u knew abt me 3 weeks ago why am i only hearing this now?

Bc I have no loyalty to you, I'm still getting fucked not my problem if ur feelings weren't taken into consideration

the whole i don't give a shit look ain't cute, you don't need to have loyalties to someone to be a decent person, but i guess we're all built different.

Im built how Billie wants me bro;) don't shoot the messenger, I just wanted you to know

I'm sure you did


I felt torn- fifty fifty torn. I didn't want to believe Billie would do that to me, but she isn't my girlfriend. We haven't met. I feel like I know her, but do I?

My brain battled itself; she wouldn't do that, but maybe she would. Maybe she hasn't, but what if she has? I didn't have much trust in people when it came to being faithful, Addison made sure of that. But Billie knows all about Addi, I confided in her. She knew how much of a downward spiral that sent me on, so surely she wouldn't do that to me herself. I know her, but do I know her enough? Would she use me to pass time? Could I be her entertainment?

5,160 Miles [Billie Eilish]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora