𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5

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The Untold Story

Lovelock Island
9,000 Bc
Coronation Day

Today was Coronation day. Where the King and Queen choose out of their four children who are destined to be thrown, God or Goddess.

"Welcome everyone," King Eli says.

"Today is a very special day we will be crowing one of my four children Asherah my oldest daughter, Seria my second daughter, Bay my first son, and last but not least my youngest daughter Loren." King Eli introduced all four of his children.

They all smiled and waved. It was no secret that they were excited. Becoming a God or Goddess was their family tradition so it would've been an honor to continue the family legacy.

"Asherah would you like to give your speech?" Eli asked.

Asherah nodded her head and went up to the podium.

She clears her throat

"Hello Ladies and gentlemen My name is Asherah I would be very honored to become Goddess of Lovelock Cove. I want to be able to help my people with whatever issues so I can fix it and make the ocean a better place. Thank you" Asherah announces.

After Seria and Bay gave their speech now it was Loren's turn.

"Hi guys! I'm Loren and I would appreciate it if you guys made me goddess of the sea" She says cheerfully.

"Why should we pick you I mean look at you, your one not even one of us. Your just a 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤" One man spoke up.

"Yeah we don't deserve to have some 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐝𝗼 as our Goddess" A woman says.

Every in the crowd was starting to say harsh things about what she is. It's not her fault that she looks different from the rest of her family.

"Alright Alright everyone settles down there is no need to bash my daughter," King Eli says.

"Everyone must vote one of my children so there will be a slip handed to each and every one of you to vote" King Eli says.


It's time for everyone to turn in their voting slips. Let's see who wins.

"Now that everyone has turned in their slips let's see how many votes each one of my children has"king Eli announces.

Asherah Votes-100%
Seria Votes-78%
Bay Votes-55%
Loren Votes-1%

"And the New Goddess Of Lovelock Cove is...." King Eli lets out.


Everyone was cheering happily that she had won. Asherah was very excited and her two siblings Seria and Bay was giving her hugs and congratulations.

On the other hand, Lore was standing in the corner watching her older sister getting cheers. She was extremely angry. Her face was a bright red.

"Maybe next time" Her mom whispered to her.

Loren quickly swims off to her secret hiding place where no one can find her.

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