When I was done I got up, "Everyone done?" They nod, I grab their bowls and went to the kitchen. I washed the dishes with a smile on my face. When I was done I grabbed myself another beer and Clint another one. I walked in and gave it to him. "Thanks." I nod with a smile and sit on the ground. "Talia sit here." Cooper said he came over and helped me up, I was surprised, "Really?" He nods I sit down on the love seat, facing Cling and Laura, Lila was next to me and Cooper sat down in front of me leaning his head on my knees. I smiled,

"Talia we want to ask you something." Lila said, I looked at her, "What is it?" "Well you see, since Daddy came home we have gotten really close, like family, I mean you are awesome. Me and Cooper talked to dad and mom and they said it was up to you." Lila said, I gave them all a confused look, Clint and Laura had huge smiles on their faces. "I'm confused, where is this going?" I ask looking at Cooper, he laid his head back on my knees so he could look at me, "We were wondering if you would like to become apart of the family. You've said it yourself and so has dad, your like a sister to him, and him a brother. So me and Lila want to call you Aunt Talia." Cooper said, "Wait really?" I said with a huge smile.

"Yeah, they've wanted to have this conversation since last night." "I've only been here 2 days and I'm apart of the family?" "If you want to." Laura says. "Yes, oh my god yes! I'd love that." Lila squealed as she hugged me. I kissed her forehead then I kissed Cooper's forehead. "I'll be right back." Clint said running upstairs. He came down a minute later with a small box, he walked over and gave it to me. Cooper stood up behind me, Laura and Clint moved in front of me so they could watch and she had her phone out.

I opened the box and found a charm for my charm bracelet. It was a little bow and arrow that had the names of them all. "It's the family crest." Clint asked. "Wait your serious?" He nods his head. I squeal and hug him tightly. Then I hug Laura then the kids. "Wow." I put it on my bracelet and looked at it, I took off the bow and arrow that was on it setting it in the box. "Thank you all." I whisper. "You are welcome sweetie." Laura said.

We all sat back down, Cooper in front of me again and turned the tv on. It was on the news, about the Avengers and the city. Then it showed the destruction on it all. Buildings falling down, people dying, us trying to save as much people as we could. Then it showed me, and behind me was a family, I turned around on the tv just after one of the aliens shot the baby she looked to only be a year old, then it shot both the parents, I didn't even notice. I gasp as I watch it. Then I run off, helping a different family, still not turning around. "Oh my god!" I say, tears fall down my face, they all look at me.

I quickly get up and run outside, breaking down and falling to the ground. I sob as I rock back and forth. Then arms wrapped around me making me jump. I look and see the arms of my new family. "It's ok Aunt Talia we all make mistakes." I shake my head, "This one was bad, it was caught on camera, and it happened right behind me." "Babybird for every person you save, there's one that dies for it. You can't save everyone. No one can, that's how this job is. It brings us down to our lowest points, but for those families reunited those are the ones to cherish when you see them. That's how our job is."

"But it's not fair!!" I yell, "Life isn't fair hunny." Laura said. I shake my head. "How could I not of seen that?" "Because it was a very chaotic day. lives were lost, but most of them were saved that day." I shake my head, "I need a drink." "That's not a solution to this problem." "It helps the pain," "I know I've done it plenty of times but I've learned you lean on those you love." Clint said. I wipe my eyes as I calm down.

"Let's go inside." Clint said helping me up. We go inside, I sit on the sofa, Cooper wraps a blanket around me, Clint hands me my unopened beer. "Slowly." I nod as I look at the ground. They put on a movie, Laura thought it was best of Clint sat next to me incase I break down again, I told her I was fine but she insisted. So here I am staring off into space as a movie plays. My phone ringing brings me out of my head. I don't even look at the name on it before I answer it.

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora