part fourteen-marinette

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After hanging out for a while everyone left leaving me alone with kagami

"So how did the school react to what happened" kagami asked we had a cover story that someone broke in through the trapdoor killed Adrien stabbed kagami a few times and and left with adriens body only me Alya and kagami knew what really happened

"They reacted horribly it's been hell they still haven't gotten over it, it's getting quite annoying to be honest" I reply

"Oh ok" she replies

I walk over and sit next to her on the bed and grab her hand I see blush creep up to her cheeks as she looks up at me her light brown eyes staring up into my blue ones at that point my body took over I kissed her and after a second she kissed back the kiss felt like forever but only lasted a few seconds before kagami pulled away and hugged me

"Thankyou for not hating me" she whispers into my ear I hug her tighter

"Why would I ever hate you" I whisper back


A/N yeah I know very short chapter sorry not sorry😝 I had a bit of an writer's block I will try to make the next chapter a bit longer oh yeah almost forgot sorry for the long wait again writer's block I'm also very stressed with online school so yeah you may have to wait a while for the next chapter sorry not sorry😝😝😝 anyways have a good day/night

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