last part- kagami

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Years later

I get out of bed and look out the window to see a perfect view of all of Paris we live in a nice home on a hill. I look down at the ring on my finger remembering when marinette gave me the cat miraculous she finally figured who hawkmoth was with the help of alya Now I am now Mao long (translation cat dragon I know crappy name but idc) we don't use our miraculous as much anymore since there is no point. The last I remember using the miraculous was when we got interviewed a few months ago

I hear laughter and then the door to the room burst open and there stands Hugo our 4 year old adopted son he runs over to the bed and jumps on marinette waking her up. Hugo gives her a huge hug

"Good morning mummy" he says then let's go running over to me and doing the same I walk Hugo downstairs as marinette falls back asleep

I make Hugo a bowl cereal and give to him as he runs over to the couch to watch morning cartoons on the TV. I walk back into my room looking at marinette sleep for a second before reaching into the wardrobe and grabbing my fencing outfit and putting it in my bag as well as a water bottle I wake marinette up again reminding her that I had to go then walked outside to car to drive to my fencing comp

The next day

We sit at the park with Ryan luka, nino and alya watching the kids run around playing tag alya and Nino had a boy called eren and Ryan and luka adopted a girl called Gwyneth eren had brown hair and sea green eyes and Gwyneth had blonde hair with Gray eyes

"Hey dad what is that" Gwyneth calls out we all look over to see a parade of balloons going through the streets of all the superheroes I start to wonder why there would be random superhero balloons floating through the streets until I look at the date on my phone and realise that its heroes day


After we followed the balloons through we all decided to go home

Once we got through the door the first thing Hugo said was

"Are you guys superheroes" me and marinette looked at each other before answering

"Y-yeah" marinette stutters

A/N uhh yeah I had no idea what to  do for the last chapter so I guess this is it anyways I hope you enjoyed my cringe fest of a story and I guess for the last time this story have a good day/night😙

marigami- jittersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя